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Matthew and John were written by eyewitnesses, Luke and Mark were written secondhand from disciples of Jesus.

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Q: Did eye witnesses write the four Gospels?
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Which two Gospels in the Bible had eye-witnesses write all they heard and saw?

The Gospels of Matthew and John are traditionally believed to have been written by two of Jesus' twelve disciples who were eyewitnesses to his ministry, teachings, and miracles. They provide first-hand accounts of the life of Jesus.

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i suppose there was if you consider the survivors as eye witnesses .

How many gospel is there in the bible?

Four. The first books presented in the New Testament are called the Gospels. Their name means good news. It is widely accepted that they were written by eye witnesses to the ministry of Jesus. They are named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John after the men whom we believe wrote them. There is some debate among scholars as to who actually wrote these texts.

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To be convicted of treason, prosecutors need at least two eye witnesses. With out any witnesses, a person can not be convicted of treason.

What type of gospels are the first three gospels?

A:The first three New Testament gospels are known as the synoptic gospels. The word 'synoptic' means 'seen with the same eye' and is used to describe them because, when laid in parallel and 'seen with the same eye' in the original Greek language, it can be demonstrated that one gospel (Mark) must have been the original from which the other two were copied.

What are the synopotic Gospels?

'Seen with the same or one eye' are Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

Which one of the four gospels is not synoptic?

A:Among the New Testament gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as synoptic ('seen with the same eye') gospels, because when laid sise by side in the original Greek language and seen with the same eye, it can be shown that two of these gospels must have been based on the third. The original of these gospels is now known to have been Mark's Gospel. On the other hand, when John's Gospel is laid alongside the others, its dependence is not immediately apparent. Because John was more loosely based on Luke and, to a lesser extent, Mark, there are few similarities in the text and even the storyline often differs. It is therefore not a synoptic gospel.The Gospel of John is not one of the "synoptic gospels"

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Eye witnesses say they look a lot like pterodactyls.

What is the name of the person who wort the gosples?

The Gospels shared by all denominations of Christianity using the Holy Bible as their text are named for their authors. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. All but Luke were disciples of Jesus Christ; they are telling the life and miracles of Christ based on firsthand witness experience. Luke was a physician after the death of Christ who compiled his gospel based on interviews, etc. with eye witnesses. At least that's what I was taught in Lutheran confirmation classes. There are other books in the New Testament named for people, like James, but these are not considered Gospels; Gospels tell the life of Christ.

How do you write a sentence with the eye?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Was the Gospel of Mark written from the authors eye witness account?

No. All of the gospels were written long after Jesus' death.

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48 States and Canada