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The apes are thought to have evolved from old world monkeys around 25 million years ago. The earliest evidence of people living in caves is around 40,000 years ago, so apes came first. In fact, the "cavemen" tag is outdated nowadays. Early humans were hunter gatherers and only occasionally used caves.

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16y ago
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8y ago

According to the Torah, The Bible, and the Qur'an Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth. The writings do not tell us exactly when this was however.

Homo habilis was one of the first known hominids. They lived from about 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago. Homo sapiens, man as we know it today, showed up around 250,000 years ago.

It really boils down to what you believe in. If you believe in the Bible, Torah, or Qur'an, then yes, Adam and Eve were here first. If you do not believe in them, then you may doubt there even was an Adam and Eve.

No matter what your religious beliefs, or lack there of, it has been proven that there have been a variety of species of humans through the years. If you would like to read more about it, you could start at the related link below.

'Cavemen' fossils have been dated to hundreds of thousands of years old, while the story of Adam and Eve is supposed to have taken place around six thousand years ago. Another answer could be to separate science from religion - a scientist may say that Adam and Eve did not really exist, while the cave men really did; whereas some theologians may say that the world is only 6000 years old, and therefore Adam and Eve were the first cave dwellers (although this conflicts with the biblical story of their son, Cain, building a great city in the land of Nod). Other theologians say that the story of Adam and Eve is not really history.

Adam was the first human. He may or may not have lived in caves. The Bible does not say. However, if cavemen refers to the concept of a partially developed human on the way up the evolutionary tree, then not only was Adam first, but he was the only real one of the two since that type of cavemen were dreamed up from fossils of either apes or 'developed' humans.

First of all, nowhere in the Bible does it say they were. Adam was created in the image and likeness of God. I can't imagine God walking around Eden with a club over His shoulder. God saw that Adam was lonely so He put Adam into a deep sleep and removed one of his ribs thus creating Eve. According to the Bible there were about 7,000 years between Adam and today's generation, so I don't understand how science can date cavemen , dinosaurs etc. . But we humans don't have a speck of God's knowledge and don't know what God's timetable is.

Another answer:

The seemingly unbelievable biblical account reveals that Adam was the first uniquely created man. There was no man before him. He "suddenly" came into existence, physically moulded and shaped [like clay] by his Creator, Jesus Christ, the WORD of God [John 1:3] and given a "spirit" within him [a mind, consciousness, intellect].

"The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear it if the spirit is crushed?" (Prov.18:14 NLT New Living Translation)

This creation account of man is roughly traced in the Bible to have occurred around 6000 years ago. And throughout these few millennia of man's existence, there have been men who have lived in caves contemporaneously with societies living in houses -- and they still do.

And the Bible reveals that at the time of the end [of God's plan], caves will become the residence of preference when Christ returns:

"...the sky was rolled up like a scroll and taken away. And all of the mountains and all of the islands disappeared. Then the kings of the earth, the rulers, the generals, the wealthy people, the people with great power, and every slave and every free person - all HID THEMSELVES IN THE CAVES and among the rocks of the mountains. And they cried to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the Great Day of their wrath has come, and who will be able to survive?'" (Rev.6:14-17 NLT)

The evolutionary notion that there once existed an "age" of nothing but "cave-dwellers" around the world is not biblical.

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13y ago
AnswerScientists know that humans lived in caves (cavemen) hundreds of thousands of years ago, whereas the story of Adam and Eve is only set around six thousand years ago.

Strictly speaking, one may not say that the cavemen came before Adam and Eve, because cavemen really did exist, whereas Adam and Eve were simply characters in the biblical story. However, if a comparison is required, the cavemen came first.

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12y ago

Modern man shows up in the fossil record approximately two-hundred thousand years ago. Agriculture was practiced approximately fifteen thousand years ago. So "caveman" came hundreds of thousands of years before the "Christ."

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8y ago

Scientists know that humans lived in caves (cavemen) hundreds of thousands of years ago, whereas the story of Adam and Eve is only set around six thousand years ago.

Strictly speaking, one may not say that the cavemen came before Adam and Eve, because cavemen really did exist, whereas Adam and Eve were simply characters in the biblical story. However, if a comparison is required, the cavemen came first.

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10y ago


Not only did dinosaurs come before Christ, the last of the dinosaurs had already become extinct milions of years before the first humans on earth!

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