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AnswerYes, all the true dinosaurs died out approximately 64 million years ago. The nearest living relatives of dinosaurs are the birds.
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Q: Did all the dinosaurs die out?
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How would the dropping temperatures impact the dinosaurs?

if temperature drops quick enough, plants die. if plants die, the dinosaurs that eat plants die. if those dinosaurs die, then the carnivorous meat-eating dinosaurs die. then, all dinosaurs die.

Did all dinosaurs die the same way?


Can dinosaurs die?

They already did. All the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.

What place did dinosaurs die at?

Planet Earth, all over it.

Have to be 100 percent correct The dinosaurs died of a meteor hitting earth. After the meteor hit earth did all of the dinosaurs die or there was some dinosaurs left and the just died of low food?

It is believed that they did die of a meteor but no one is really positive. If they did die of a meteor than the rest probably died from all the dust in the air after the crash. Some aquatic dinosaurs did survive though that is why their are crocodiles,komodo dragons,turtles,etc...(which evolved from these dinosaurs.)

When was Dinosaurs Don't Die created?

Dinosaurs Don't Die was created in 1975.

Did dinosaurs completely die out?

Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs so they did not die out.

Did the Dinosaurs die together or at the end of their periods?

During the age of the dinosaurs, various species of dinosaurs died off and new ones came along but all non avian dinosaurs died 65.5 million years ago.

How did dinosaurus die?

A meteorite had hit the earth and there was a big explosion. And all the dinosaurs died.. :(

Why are dinosaurs extinct because of plants?

Dinosaurs did not die out because of plants. They died out because of a lack of plants after an asteroid impact blocked out sunlight for months or years. With all the plants dead, the dinosaurs starved.

Did dinosaurs really exists?

yes because all there was left is fossils and if they were real they would have already die.

And the end f what era did all the dinosaures die?

The dinosaurs evolved at the beginning of the Mesozoic. All non avian dinosaurs died out 65.5. million years ago at the end of the Mesozoic. However, birds, which are a group of dinosaurs, are still alive and well.