No, Solomon did not have the most children in The Bible. While Solomon is known to have had many wives and concubines, the Bible records that he had around 700 wives and 300 concubines. However, there are other individuals in the Bible who are said to have had even more children, such as Jacob who had 12 sons who became the ancestors of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Rehoboam 2CHRONICLES 11:21
A:The story of King Solomon and the bee is a children's story and, like many such stories, is not in the Bible.
Kings, Chronicles; Ezra, Nehemiah.
David (author of the Psalms) and his son Solomon (Proverbs and Song of Solomon) are considered the most poetic writers of the Bible.
II Chron 11:21 Rehoboam
In the bible, Solomon was the king of Israel.
According to the bible , God asked king Solomon what he wanted the most. And he asked for wisdom, so God gave it to him.
The wisest man who has ever lived King Solomon wrote Proverbs.
I am not able to find anyone who had 700 children. According to 1 Kings 11:3 Solomon had 700 wives.
The Bible does not say that King Solomon had a flying carpet.
Solomon had the most- 700 wives and 300 concubines (mistresses).
The Song of Solomon is believed to have been written by Solomon.