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It isn't stated if there were specific Romans who saw Jesus, but it is possible since large groups of people saw Him.

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Q: Did Romans see Jesus after he arose from the dead?
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Where in bible scriptures does it say that Jesus Christ arose the first time?

Assuming you mean 'rose from the dead,' and not 'ascended,' Matthew 28:6. He isn't here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.

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If you are a Christian you will see Jesus. If not, you will suffer for eternity. In heaven, there is Jesus and God and there is no tears or pain.

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When Jesus was put to death , the rulers of the land were the Romans.

Why did some Romans dislike Jesus?

Jesus was making miricals happen. The Romans belived that someone who could make a blind man see could destory a mighty empire, like the Roman one. They were afraid of him. The Romans did not dislike Jesus, they didn't even know him. Jesus, during his lifetime, had very little contact with Romans and the contacts that he did have were all positive. Even Pilate "could find no fault in him". Proof that he was unknown to the Romans was in his betrayal. Someone (Judas) had to point him out to the arresting Romans.

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it is short for Adult You look Dead from this Angle or another name for jesus christ see (who is jesus christ me)

What did the roman soldiers do and not do that showed that Jesus was dead?

They could see that Jesus was already dead, so they did not break his legs to speed up the process. As an assurance that he was truly dead, one of the soldiers stabbed him in the heart with his spear.

Who founded Jesus?

Well, nobody found Jesus when he was born, but when he was crusified, Mary Magdalene was the first to see him after his ressurectionm from the dead.

Give you examples of miracle of Jesus.?

Jesus healed the sick, helped the blind to see, raised the dead, walked on water, fed multitudes with only a few loaves and fishes, rose from the dead.

Who was the first person to see Jesus dead?

Possibly the Roman soldiers. After breaking the legs of the two criminals to hasten their deaths, John reports that they did not break Jesus' legs. When the soldiers came to Jesus, he was already dead. (John 19:32)