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Yes (for awhile)

After Jesus' crucifixion Peter and some of the disciples were really disappointed. They went back to fishing. We know this for sure from the accounts in John's Gospel the last chapter. Jesus caught them in the act in a manner of speaking, after resurrection and they committed themselves again to following Him.

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11y ago

Yeah! Fishing for souls and not fish!!

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Q: Did Peter go back to fishing after the crucifixion of Jesus?
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Because St. Peter fled Rome (the city) but turned back to face crucifixion. He is revered by Catholics to this day.

Did crucifixion kill Jesus?

Yes but He rose back to life 3 days later :)

Where was fishing invented?

In the beginning of time back to Jesus times , fishing was then too... The only possible answer is GOD created fishing!

How are Easter and crufixtion related?

Easter and the crucifixion is related because the crucifixion was a sad day, since Jesus was killed. Then just a few days later Easter symbolizes the celebration when Jesus rose and came back.

What disciple doubted that Jesus came back to life?

Thomas initially could not believe Jesus was present with them after crucifixion. His doubts quickly disappeared when Jesus spoke to him and invited Thomas to touch His wounds.

What is Jesus' image after resurrection?

Resurrection is coming back to life. Jesus came back to life after 3 days from his death on earth. His image of resurrection is the same as before he died. After resurrection, he had holes in his hands and feet due to crucifixion and wound mark on his body due to the Roman soldier pierced his body during crucifixion.

What time did jesus come back to life?

Supposedly in the early morning of the Sunday following his crucifixion.

What did some of Jesus' diciples so after he rose from the dead?

Some went back fishing, they were hiding in the upper room.

Why does God seem to enjoy the pain of others including the cruel and unusual crucifixion of His own son Jesus Christ?

God did not enjoy crucifixion of his own son. Jesus is the perfect lamb, the pure person. For him to die for our sins, he had to have sin. He literally had to become sin to save us. God can not be in the presence of sin, so when Jesus was crucified, he literally had to turn his back on him. He didn't want to, but he had to.

Did year 1 AD start after the crucifixion?

No. The modern calender we use now was set several hundred years after Jesus died. They calculated back to the year Jesus was born to set the beginning of the years. Jesus died in the year 33 according to the calender that we use.

Did Jesus come back after the crucifixion?

A:Christians believe that Jesus came back on the third day after his crucifixion; in fact this is considered the most significant event in Christian faith. Others say that there is no evidence for this resurrection and that it did not really happen.