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Possibly, he stopped the persecution of Christians in Rome, but that may have been just to get their support in battle

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Q: Did Maxentius like Christians
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When was Maxentius born?

Maxentius was born in 278.

What did maxentius do?

Maxentius was a Roman Emperor in the 4th century. He defended Rome until he lost to Constantine in the Battle of the Milvian Bridge

What two desicions did constamtine made after maxentius?

After defeating Maxentius, Constantine made two key decisions. First, he declared the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, granting religious tolerance to Christians within the Roman Empire. Second, he shifted the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium, renaming it Constantinople, which eventually became the new seat of power for the Eastern Roman Empire.

What is Maxentius known for?

he was know for being the first and greating empore

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October 28, 312 Constantine marches on Rome and meets Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge. Maxentius is slain, and Constantine emerges as the sole ruler in the West. Constantine erects a triumphal arch in Rome, crediting the “inspiration of the Divinity” for his victory.

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Maxentius .

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Muslims do not encourage their children not to like Christians. Christians and Jews are people of the book as mentioned in the Quran and the people closer to Muslims are Christians as mentioned in the Quran. Muslims are allowed to marry Christians and Jews as they are people of the book. It is therefore a misconception on your part to think that Muslims are encouraged not to like Christians!

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Christian by definition means Christ-like or like Christ. Adventists are Christians that go by the bible.

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True Christians show geniniue love in imitation of Christ.