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Karl Marx, who famously stated that religion is the opiate of the masses, did not see religion as a positive institution, but as a tool used by repressive and unjust societies to persuade populations to accept injustice rather than working for social change.

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Q: Did Marx see religion as a positive social institution in society true or fasle?
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Which of these questions is not a social institution?

The question "What time is it?" is not a social institution. Social institutions are established patterns of social behavior that have a purpose in society, such as family, education, and religion. Asking for the time is a simple inquiry and not an organized system of practices and beliefs.

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The family is a social institution that is found in every society in the world, in every era of human history.

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The Government.

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Is individual as a social product in the field of socialogy?

yes definitely, individual is a social product. man is rightly called as a social animal. he cannot survive without his society. there are different social forces or elements of society that affect individual such as he is born within a society. then family, a basic unit of society socializes him. afterward, the peer group, the religion, the educational institution, the mass media and other social agents help him a lot in improving his personality. he fulfills his basic needs from the society. for this purpose, he is affiliated with the social institutions such as economics, family, education, religion and political institutions. all the aspects of his social life are encompassed by the society. in short from cradle to grave, his life is associated with the society because he spends all his social life within the society.

Is religion structural functionalism?

In Structural Functionalism, religion would be viewed as an institution. Religion is not, per se, necessary, and yet it has become ingrained in many societies. People created the insititution and the only reason that it continues to be a prominent force in society is because people continue to place power in it by supporting it. Structural Functionalism looks at each piece of society-social norms, customs, institutions, and traditions-as working together to create a properly functioning society, like the cogs and gears of a clock. Religion, as an institution that many people place great importance on, in some way works to keep society cohesive and running, from the point of this social theory, anyway.

What is religion in sociology?

In sociology, religion is understood as a social institution that involves beliefs, practices, and rituals that provide individuals with a sense of purpose, meaning, and identity. Sociologists study how religion influences social behavior, norms, values, and institutions within societies. Religion can be a powerful force in shaping social structures and relationships.

Which social institution MOST influences burial practices and beliefs about life after death?
