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No read your bible. Noah and the flood was hundreds of years earlier. It was Abraham who talks with God in Genesis 18. In Genesis 19 Lot is warned by two angels after Abraham intercedes for him with God.

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Q: Did Lot leave sodom with Noah in the bible?
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Who told lot to leave sodom and gomorrah?

An angel

What did the angels do to try and save Lot and his wife?

They went and warned Lot to leave Sodom.

Where were the cities Sodom and Gomorrh mentioned?

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the bible. The cities were considered hedonistic. The story is famous for Lot and his wife being told to leave the city and to not look back. Lot's wife looks back and is turned into a pillar of salt.

When did Lot get married?

It is not known when Lot got married. Lot appears in the book of Genesis in the bible. In his story he and his wife flee Sodom and Gomorrah but his wife is turned into a pillar of salt when she looks back at the city of Sodom.

According to the bible who turned into a piller of salt looking back at the city of sodom?

Lot's wife

What stories found in the book of Genesis?

It is about the creation, Abraham and Isaac, Lot and the city of Sodom and Gomorrah , Noah and the flood. Jacob and Joseph.

When was Lot in Sodom created?

Lot in Sodom was created in 1933.

Is there any other place in the bible other than acts that women were saved?

Yes indeed. Genesis reports that Noah's wife was 'saved' thru the Great Flood; likewise the 3 wives of Noah's sons. Genesis also records that Lot's 2 daughters were 'saved' thru the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

What is the duration of Lot in Sodom?

The duration of Lot in Sodom is 1680.0 seconds.

What do the wives of Noah Lot and Job have in common?

Their names are not mentioned in The Bible

Did lot warn sodom?

YES he did live in sodom.

Was Lot's wife Ildeth from Sodom and Gomorrah?

no lot was already married before they came to sodom or gomrrah.