

Best Answer

No, he did not. All of the following can be found at, or at most Christian book stores 1. Israel, God's Key to World Redemption by Elmer A Josephson 2. God's Prophetic Calendar by Lehman Strauss 3. The Feasts of Israel by Kevin J. Conner 4. The Feasts of Israel: Seasons of the Messiah by Bruce Scott 5. Gospel in the Feasts of Israelby Victor Buksbazen 6. Unlocking The Mysteries of Revelation : Using the Keys of the Feasts of the Lord by Marilyn Mineer, Ginger Carlton 7. The Feasts Of The Lord God's Prophetic Calendar From Calvary To The Kingdom by Kevin Howard, Marvin Rosenthal 8. God's Appointed Customs: A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle by Barney Kasdan 9. The Mountains of Israel by Norma Parrish Archbold 10. Christianity Is Jewish Christianity Is Jewish by Edith Schaeffer 11. God's Appointed Times: A Practical Guide for Understanding and Celebrating the Biblical Holidays by Barney Kasdan 12. The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation by Brad H. Young 13. Our Hands Are Stained with Blood by Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson (Foreword) 14. The Seven Festivals of the Messiah by Edward Chumney 15. Jesus the Jewish Theologian by Brad Young 16 Your People Shall Be My People by Don Finto 17. Jewish Roots by Dan Juster 18. Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny by Grant R. Jeffrey

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Q: Did Jesus only perform miracles during Jewish festivals If so where were the festivals and their meaning?
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What is the real Jewish miracle?

Jewish history is filled with stories about miracles. Some Jews believe in miracles, some believe they are allegorical. But there is no single Jewish miracle, other than the fact that all human beings have a chance at life.

What are the Jewish festivals and traditions?

See the attached Related Links.

Festivals all Jewish males have to go to?

The Mating Season......................................................?

What are two jewish festivals?

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

What does Passover sumbolize to the Jews?

One of the great Jewish theologians of the early 20th century, Franz Rosenzweig, arranged the 3 great Jewish festivals in a triangle. He identified Passover with the creation of the Jewish people, Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost) with God's revelation to the Jewish people, and Succot (the fall Feast of Booths) with God's redemption of the Jewish people.Of course, each of the festivals has elements of creation, revelation and redemption built into it. Passover celebrates the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Prior to the exodus, God was revealed only to a few individuals. With the miracles of the exodus, God was revealed to the whole people. And those miracles redeemed the people from slavery. Passover remembers all of this. The liturgy of the Passover seder re-enacts the exodus so that each Jew can feel that he (or she) was there and was personally redeemed.

Should Christians celebrate Jewish festivals?

Christian answer:Jesus celebrated all the Jewish festivals, so if you truly want to imitate the son of God it wouldn't hurt. Many Jewish festivals foreshadow the arrival of the Messiah, so by celebrating these festivals you are celebrating the fact that the Messiah has arrived and that through his your sins are forgiven.Jewish answer:The only reason a Christian might want to observe a Jewish festival would be to understand today's Jews a little better, and maybe some misconceptions might disappear. Otherwise, there is no spiritual reason.

What is the role of Jewish religious leaders at a Jewish wedding?

The perform the wedding ceremony.

Is there any other religion which fasts in certain festivals other than Muslims?

Sometimes Christians fast, but they don't do it for festivals. Some Jewish people used to fast in the Old Testament times. I'm not sure if modern time Jewish people do or not.

Do jews celebrate stuff you do?

This entirely depends on what "stuff" you celebrate.Here are the major Jewish festivals: a few other occasions:

How many biblicall established Jewish festivals?

See the attached Related Link for a list. See also Leviticus ch.23, where all of the Torah's Festivals are listed.

What festivals food do Jews eat?

Different Jewish holidays have different food traditions associated with them.

Did pilate observe passover?

Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea. His family background was from south-central Italy, so his traditions were entirely Roman, not Jewish. As governor of Judea, he had to be aware of the major Jewish festivals, because they were times of heightened tension and civil unrest in Jerusalem -- simply because of the pilgrimages to Jerusalem taken by a large fraction of the Jewish population on the festivals. He would likely have "observed" the festivals by putting his troops on heightened alert.