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If it doesn't say so in The Bible, then no one can possibly know.

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Q: Did Jesus have any bones broken during the crucifixion?
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Why were Jesus' legs not broken while on the cross?

Jesus' legs were not broken during his crucifixion, as prophesied in the Old Testament (Psalm 34:20). This was seen as a fulfillment of scripture and a sign of his completeness as the perfect sacrificial lamb. Additionally, Jesus had already died before the soldiers came to break his legs, so there was no need for it.

Was it prophesied that Jesus would have no broken bones when crucified?

Psalms 34:20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

Why were bones not broken in a sacrifice when given to God?

AnswerUnder Jewish religious law, the sacrificial animal had to be perfect and without blemish, with no broken bones. The author of John's Gospel wanted to draw a parallel between Jesus and the paschal lamb for sacrifice, so he described in detail that the two others on the cross had their legs broken, while Jesus merely had a spear driven in his side.

When was The Broken Bones created?

The Broken Bones was created in 2000.

How is heart rate affected by broken bones?

One's basal metabolic rate is increased during healing, such as repairing a broken bone.

Has there ever been a F1 driver that has broken a bone?

Yes, there have been several F1 drivers who have broken bones during their careers. Broken bones are not uncommon in high-speed crashes that can occur in Formula 1 racing. Drivers have suffered broken legs, arms, wrists, and other bones as a result of accidents on the track.

How many bones did Evel Knievel break during his lifetime?

Its actually 433. The question asks how many bones has he broken in his lifetime...

How many bones did evil knievel brake?

Evil Knievel is reported to have broken over 433 bones during his daredevil career.

Where on Jesus's body did the nails go through?

On the statues today we see on his feet and hands. However historians have found that when nailing someone to the cross your hands with their small bones can not hold the body up so they put the nails through the wrists.

How many bones have Rodney mullen broken?

he has not broken any bones to this day .

Did Neil Armstrong have any broken bones as a child?

No.He Did not have any broken bones.

Do all broken bones hurt and swell?

No. You may not be aware of some broken bones