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What a great question. The answer is "yes" and "yes." Just think about the times. Jesus traveled from town to town preaching and doing miracles. If you look at a map of Israel you'll see that's it's not all that big, but when you think about traveling on foot it becomes very big. I am sure Jesus brew tired very often. I am sure Jesus also grew tired, psychologically, of the things He saw during His time here. He spoke out against the ruling parties of the Jews for their hypocracy and deceit. He became outraged at the trade going on in the Temple, His Father's house. Did Jesus want to change His mind? There's at least one example in scripture where Christ came as close as He could get in wanting things to be different. The night before He was crucified Jesus was in agony in His spirit. He knew what was coming. He knew He was hours away from being tortured. He knew He would be stripped naked and whipped to within a hairs-breath of His life. He knew He would be nailed to a wooden cross and left to die. Finally, He knew that while on the cross His Father (God) would turn His back on Him (Jesus) and throw all of the wrath He had against sin at Him(self). No one could withstand having God's wrath vented at them and survive. Think about the wrath of God against all sin, every sin ever committed or ever yet to be committed, all coming down against one person, Christ. Jesus had known a loving relationship with His Father through all eternity, and He knew during this time on the cross that tie was to be broken and He was to be alone. That Jesus did fully understand what He faced and yet didn't change His mind shows just how much love He had for us.

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13y ago

Yes he did.

John 4:4-6 records:

"Now he had to go through Samaria. So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour."

There may be more references in The Bible.

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Q: Did Jesus get tired
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