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AnswerThe church, recognized in The Bible as "the church" was already in existence since it was started by Jesus himself. Paul mentions this fact numerous times. The word Catholic, from the Greek translation, means "Universal" and was used to describe the church in writings as early as 46AD. The Term Roman Catholic is simply a westerners term used to describe the fact that Catholics look to Rome as the head of the church. There is nothing in writing or from the Vatican that names the Catholic church "Roman Catholic. The bible was not even produced until the first Nicaean Council in 325AD. But by then, the Catholic/Christian church was well established and growing throughout the world. The church was the only Christian church until Martin Luther started Lutherism in 1517AD. Shortly after that, John Calvin founded Calvinism in 1536. Lutheran and Methodists both stem from the original break from the Catholic Church. 90% of the other Protestant churches were splits from the Calvanist. Martin Luther's main question/objection to the teachings of the church was "sola scriptora" meaning "scripture alone". He believed, like most protestants today, that the bible is our only source for what we need to believe. Unfortunately, this mistake is due to a lack of scripture knowledge. Jesus told his disciples to go forth and teach all the nations. He did not say, sit down and write a book and that should do it. John stated that if they were to try and record all that Jesus did and taught, the world would not be able to contain all the books. The church recognized that there was a lot of teachings both verbal and traditional in reverence that were passed down to the next generation. That is why it was difficult to decide on which books would be included in the bible and which would not. Our final version was agreed upon because it contained most of the teachings that the church believed should be recorded. Again however, the church was well established long before the bible although the Catholic church adheres to the original writings of scripture without question more than any other Christian religion and has continued with the same teachings for almost 2000 years.
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13y ago

Although many believe that Jesus Christ never founded a Church. However, His words in the New Testament, of the Holy Bible say different.

Matthew 16:18

"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

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13y ago

Jesus didn't really start his own church.. He was sent here by God, his Father, and people immediately knew there was something special about Him. So, their curiosity got the best of them and they decided to follow Jesus. Eventually, He accumulated disciples who would go along to help him spread the Gospel, and the truth.. After so long, a 'church' or a 'religion' began to form which was never intended to be a religion at all. God wants us to have a real one-on-one relationship with him. He doesnt want us to be Sunday christians, or just put on the mask of being Christian. That wont getcha to heaven.. Trade your religion for a Relationship<33

Hopefully that helped.. :)

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13y ago

The church of Jesus is written in Heaven, according to Hebrews12.23, and as such has always been. This is the same as the members of his church in Ephesians 1.4:

"according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world."

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9y ago

Yashua Messiah didn't form a church nor did He form a religion. God has no religion. The word 'church' is a misnomer. The Messengers (apostles) after Yashua Messiah's death and resurrection later preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and gathered small congregations together in the different places they visited - these people were the "called out ones" - called and chosen by The Father to be followers of His Son Yashua Messiah. The word 'church' is synonymous only with the bogus Christian religion.

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9y ago

Our Blessed Lord formed His Church by calling His apostles as the first Bishops, appointing St. Peter as His first Vicar to rule over His Church, see St. Matthew 16:17-19 which is based on Isaiah 22:15-25. Then He promised to be with it until the end of time, Matthew 28:20, and sent the Holy Spirit to guide it always, John 16:7-8.

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