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jesus was an angel ,arch angel Michael in heaven .chief angel.he helped create the heavens and the earth

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Q: Did Jesus exist in heaven first or on earth?
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How did first man came on earth?

Jesus from Heaven.

What baptist believe about their final destiny and the last things?

Two beliefs about the Kingdom Of God exist. First there is a literal belief that Jesus will return and the new heaven and new earth will be made here on earth with the faithful having bodies like Jesus upon his resurrection. This will include all that have died and all that are still alive.Second, there is a belief that this new heaven and new earth is an allegory of the communion of saints with God.Also, there are three time-lines that are accepted. First is Pre-millennialists that believe that Jesus will come back and rapture all his believers and a period of 1000 years will happen before the new heaven and earth is set up.Secondly, post-millennialists believe that the 1000 years will happen and then Jesus will come back and rapture His dead and alive believers and set the Kingdom up right then on earth.Last is the A-millennialists that either believe that there is not going to be an actual heaven on earth or that Jesus will come back and set up His kingdom without regard to a 1000 year time.

Who are the first people you meet in heaven?

God is up in Heaven, but this does not mean he is the first person you meet in Heaven.

Who is known as the first of the saints in heaven?

it was mary since she had the asumption into heaven and jesus brought her up from the dead and she went to heaven

Was Jesus born before the earth?

Jesus was created by God. He was God's very first creation.Jesus was not created by God, he is coeternal with God and thus has no beginning. Read the first part of the Gospel of John.But the original question was about his birth, not his beginning. The earth already existed before Jesus birth, otherwise he could not be born in Bethlehem as stated in all four Gospels.

What is it called when Jesus come back for his people and takes them back to heaven?

The word that describes Jesus coming to earth is called the rapture. Rapture means, "to transport (a believer) from earth to heaven at the second coming of christ." I hope this helps!

What is the point of this world?

A) To showcase God's next creative works.B) To place his completely new forms of life on this earth. It would be the first 'physical' LIVING things God made. God had made angels for the heaven realm; but 'physical' life could not exist there; they needed a 'physical' place, since these new forms of life would be 'physical'. ie 'Plant-LIFE' would not exist in a heaven realm; they needed a physical planet to exist; so Bingo, this earth would be perfect for that. Likewise with 'Animal-life'. They could not exist in a heaven realm, they needed a physical planet to exist; so Bingo, this earth would be a perfect place for them.Likewise with 'Human-Life'. Human beings can't exist in a heaven realm, they would need a physical planet to exist; so Bingo, this earth would be perfect for them. Here they could live FOREVER.That's the point of this world.

That verse actually comes from revelations and its when JESUS returns to reign and the new heaven and earth are created?

Actually there are about 3 verses that proclaim this: Revelation 21.1. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, [and be] their God.

What was the first reason for Christmas to exist?

The birth of jesus christ

Jesus came at His First Advent to rule the earth?

Rule the earth? Christian Scripture certainly does not show Jesus as ruling this earth or as desiring to. Jesus explained to Pilate that his kingdom was not a worldly kingdom. Also, throughout the gospels, Jesus warns us against the problems and sins of desiring worldly power, with his quote, "He who is first shall be last in heaven," and again, "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body."

Who was the first on earth to die and go to heaven?


Will Jesus face another death on his second coming in the earth?

The Bible says Jesus will bring all christians to heaven with him, so it is possible, but unlikely. His first death was to forgive christians for all their sins. There would be no reason to die again.