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Q: Did Jesus every say that you are the son and daughters of God?
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How do jesus say you supposed to worship him?

You are supposed to worship god and Jesus as he is our creator.

Why can you address Jesus father father too?

WE open the prayer by calling god our father. WE dare to do this because by Baptism into death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are the adopted sons and daughters of god. Baptism makes us children of god. Jesus invited us to say, not my Father, but our Father, reminding us that we pray as baptized members of the church community.

Why do they say that Jesus is the son of God when God say he beget nor begotting any children?

God wanted to come down to earth in a human form. That's when he created Jesus Jesus was god but not in god's heavenly form.

What did Jesus say you were?

children of God

How did Jesus get the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said it himself in the Bible that "I and my father are one" so whatever God possess He possess. Jesus was invested by the Holy Spirit by turning His soul in the direction of God. When you consider Jesus, you can say this is God, you can say He is the image of God, you can say the Holy Spirit is reflected in Him, and you can say He is a son of man, the child of Mary and Joseph.

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Why are the condemmed to hell forbidden to say Jesus Christ?

The condemned are not forbidden to say Jesus Christ. On the contrary, the Bible says: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2.10,11)

What are the similarities of Muhammad and Jesus?

Muhammad and Jesus are not similar. But the the Christan God and Muhammad are similar because Christians and Muslims believe in the same god. Jesus is mentioned in the Bible and the Qumran In the Bible he is the son of God. In the Qumran he is a prophet. So Christians and Muslims believe in the same god. They are similar in that way. Jesus and Muhammed not so much. Christians believe God created the world. Muslims believe the same. The Bible says Jesus is the son of God. The Muslims say he is a prophet. Hope this helps you understand!

How can you be Jesus daughter?

The Bible doesn't say we can be sons or daughters of Jesus. But the Bible does say we can be a child of God through adoption. Rom 8:15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." Rom 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. A person can enter in this relationship with God by being born again, Joh 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

What is the christians main day of worship to god?

I say Easter, as Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

Who answers prayers Jesus or God?

God. Jesus is the intercessor. We pray in the name of Jesus under the unction (or leading) of the Holy Spirit to God the Father. they is only one god and he answers your prayer jesus was the ways in his words is what we are to live by so live by what jesus say as he was not god his is the word

If you say I am a Christian what do you mean?

I believe in Jesus and God.