Old Kingdom
When it comes to his birth nothing changed on the time line. He was born 33 BC. However his death was when the calendar changed from BC to AD.
At Christmas time it is mostly a time for remembrance and thankfulness for the birth of Jesus, but it is good to remember why he came!
Joseph and Mary were married at the time of Jeusus birth.
Augustus Caesar
king herod
Augustus was emperor at the time Jesus was born. Caesar was his name and Augustus was his title.
Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Gods child Jesus, it is also the time to spend time with family as it is time for being together. whereas on Easter we celebrate Jesus' ressurection (when he rose from the dead).
The New Testament starts around the time of the birth of Jesus
To find the first Christmas traditions would be difficult if not impossible today. As to the date of "Christ's Mass"? Why December the 25th? That the date actually goes back to Rome with a festival called 'Saturnalia' . A lot of Romans at the time of the adoption of Christianity into the Roman Empire (AD325) had various feasts. It was a time of revelry, celebration, eating and drinking. It was at the same time both a solstice observance and a harvest festival. On the Julian calendar it was proclaimed in 46 c.e., that the Saturnalia would fall on December twenty- fifth.