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It is called the Christian Church. Jesus made it clear to his disciple Peter that he would build a church - not as a building but as a community of people, and Peter would be its founder. peter's real name was Simon - jesus called nim Peter as 'Peter' means 'rock' (as in 'petrified' - turned to stone). So Simon's nickname was 'Rocky'! This suggested his strong reliability and allegiance to Jesus. The Chuch that was built upon Peter the Rock is now the worldwide Christian church - and, although it started with just a few people in its 'community' it now has 2.1 billion members not including the billions that have been members over the last 2000 years.

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Q: Did Jesus Christ set up a church on earth?
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What is the role of a church?

Jesus established the Church of God on earth to be a community of like-minded, repentant disciples to learn the ways of the Kingdom/Government of God. These will become 'firstfruits' and help Jesus set-up God's Government on Earth. After the Millennial rule, these will become the 'bride of Christ.'

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Jesus Christ set the ground work and the apostles, principally Peter and Paul, then founded and spread the Church along with the other apostles.

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Jesus Christ is the son of God who was sent to the earth to save us from sin.

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The simple answer is Joseph Smith, Jr. His story can be found at the chruch's official website ( at the following location.

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No, Sylvester Stallone has never been a regular attender of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) and I haven't found any evidence that he has ever even set foot inside a Mormon church.

What do mormans' belief in?

The central belief of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) is salvation through Jesus Christ. They have many other beliefs that set them apart. You can read more about them at the "Related Links" below. Here are some of the basics: *God is our Father in Heaven. He loves us and wants us to return to Him. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind. Salvation comes only through accepting Jesus Christ. We show that we have accepted Jesus Christ by being baptized and following His commandments. *The true Church of Jesus Christ was lost from the earth at the death of the Apostles. It had to be restored to the earth by Jesus Christ himself, not reformed or remodeled from some other church. This restoration began in 1823, when God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith, Jr. Subsequent visits brought all the doctrine and authority required to operate the true Church of Jesus Christ - the Christian Church. *The Bible is the Word of God, and the King James Version is the most accurate English translation. Additional scripture, including the Book of Mormon, is also the Word of God and also bears witness of Jesus Christ. Additional scripture is no more or less important than the Bible. *Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Church. He leads His Church today by raveling his will to living modern day prophets. Prophets did not end with the Bible - Prophets are still called today to lead the Church of Jesus Christ and receive the revelations of God. The Church is also lead by Twelve Apostles, whose duty it is to bear witness of Jesus Christ throughout the earth. *One must have literal authority given to them by God in order to preach or perform the ordinances of the Church. This authority is called the priesthood and is given by the laying on of hands. Priesthood holders also have the ability to give blessings of healing or encouragement. Most Mormon men hold the priesthood, and none are paid for their services. *All people must have the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ and receive salvation. For this reason, missionaries are sent throughout the world and baptisms for dead ancestors are performed in Temples. It is believed that these ancestors will have the opportunity to accept or reject this baptism before the final judgment. *The family is the fundamental unit of society, both on earth and in heaven. Strong homes, marriages, and families are a focal point of the Church. It is believed that families will be together through the eternities in heaven if they are 'sealed' together in a Temple. *Agency is a fundamental reason for our life here on earth. We must have the ability to choose for ourselves. For this reason, everyone must reach their own conclusion on the truthfulness of the Church and it's doctrines before accepting baptism. Be sure to check out the "Related Links" if your interested in learning more. You can study Mormon beliefs more in depth, chat with church representatives, or find a local worship service to visit.

What does it mean to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ latter-day saints?

A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also called the "Mormon" church) is anyone who has been baptized into the church, as baptism is the act which makes one an official church member. With over 15 million members, every member of the church is different, but they are united in their basic beliefs and in the fact that they have met the qualifications for baptism. A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has:-Been baptized into the church as a witness of their commitment to and faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ and as a symbol of their new life in Christ.-Promised to live as an example of Jesus Christ at all times and professed their belief that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind.-Professed that Joseph Smith was called of God to restore the church and that the modern president of the church is God's prophet on earth today.-has repented of sins and transgressions, and confessed any serious sins to a Bishop-attended church services and obtained a basic understanding of the church's doctrines-abstained from smoking, drugs, sexual relationships outside of marriage, and drinking alcohol, coffee, and tea for a set period of time prior to baptism.-expressed a willingness to forever abstain from drugs, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, and non-marital sexual relationships, as well as a willingness to attend church meetings, serve where needed in the church, and pay tithes.You can learn more about what Mormons believe and view profiles of real Mormons by visiting

What is the description of the Twelve Disciples?

A disciple is a follower of Christ. An apostle is one who is set apart or ordained as a leader is Christ's church. There were, and are 12 apostles to serve in Christ's church. There are millions of "disciples" or followers of Christ.

How is it that spending all your time convincing children that you are right and everyone else is wrong make for a better individual in society?

My answer is in regards to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who often bear testimony of the truthfulness of the church. The truth belongs to all individuals regardless of their faith. It is not a boastful, or prideful position in which members of the church proclaim the Church as the only true and living church on the face of the earth. We love all people, not just members of our faith. Every denomination thinks they are the true church. If not, they would not attend. The position of the Mormon church is a little different than most faiths. To better understand why people in the church say that, it is important to understand that there is a difference between any church, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ is eternal. It was around before the world was created. God's plan for his children is for their happiness and to bring to pass the eternal life of man. Due do sin and error, man is unclean and unworthy to be in the presence of God. This was not a surprise to God. He knows all things, and new that we would need a savior to take upon Himself the sins of the repentant. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was taught to Adam after he left the garden of Eden. It was taught throughout the Old Testament. All things were an example of and a preparation for the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. A church is established to help mankind understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have authority in enacting it's ordinances and principles, and to give strength to the members. Christ was born on earth, and established His church with apostles and prophets. His church encapsulated all the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The church was not the gospel, but helped the apostles understand the gospel. After the Savior was crucified, the apostles brought the teaching of the church throughout the area. Although they were able to convert many, they still were persecuted, and eventually martyred. The church eventually became popular to the government and changes were adopted into the doctrine to serve the needs of rulers and kings. Although many of the true principals of the gospel of Jesus Christ were still contained in the church, other teachings were changed so that it no longer represented the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many individuals recognized the incorrect doctrines being taught and therefore splintered off from the original church to start a new faith. Individuals like Martin Luther, and John Wycliffe are some examples. Can you take something that is not true and change a few things to make it true? Mormons believe that Jesus Christ Himself, returned to the earth to restore His church so that it contained the fullness of His gospel. It was not just a reformation or appendage to the church that was around at that time. It was a complete restoration. If that event didn't happen, you are right. It is a boastful. But if it was true the Jesus Christ literally came to earth again and set in motion the restoration of His church, don't you think it would be true? Mormons feel their church is a true and living church because they believe it is still being lead by a prophet who receives guidance and direction for God. Their teachings answer many missing principals that have been missing since Christ first established his church. Members of the church recognize the truth that is taught in many religions and only adds to that which is already understood. Children are taught in faith and humility to love God, Jesus Christ, and their neighbors regardless of their beliefs.

What is the true Christian church?

The true Cristian Church should have the Name of Jesus Christ. It should be guided by Jesus Christ by way of revelation. It should have his power and authority (or Priesthood) given to his chosen and passed on by the laying on of hands. It should be similar to the the Church he set up when he was on earth with apostles and prophets. It should have ordinances like baptism by immersion and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. As the bible indicates the only way to know the true church would be to pray and ask Heavenly Father in Jesus name about the truth. If we ask in faith, we would receive an answer by the holy ghost, the third member of the god head that confirms truth to all men in their hearts, minds and souls.

Is Jesus Christ the national leader for the baptist?

Yes. Each Baptist church is autonomous, meaning there is no man or woman who can stand up and order all Baptist churches around. Each church is allowed to set its own rules on any subject, from gay marriage to membership to baptism methods. However, the Bible and Jesus Christ must remain central to everything the individual churches do.

Is it true in the Mormon religion that God has a two dollar bet with Satan that Jesus will not accomplish what he set out to do?

No, definately not. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) would be appalled at the idea of God gambling or betting. They also do not believe that God has a use for money, nor do they believe that God would make any sort of deal or arrangement with Satan. Furthermore, they believe that Jesus Christ has already accomplished what he set out to do by performing the atonement and resurrection, something which he could only accomplish with the support of his Father, God.