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As best can be figured out from a man who is dead and buried he never thought of himself as being part of antisemitism. This despite the fact that many, many publications from his paper the Dearborn 'Independent' were VERY anti-Semitic. He later issued an apology in which he was 'asking their ( the Jewish communities ) forgiveness for the harm that I unintentionally committed' However there is anecdotal evidence that this may have been only lip service and that Ford continued to harbor great disdain and resentment for the Jewish community as a whole. In 1938 he went to Germany and received "The Order of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle" by Hitler... This gives little credence to the idea that he was very repentant. However I suppose you could at least give him props for hiring woman at nigh unto equal pay and blacks in a time where race and gender were a great divide, or perhaps not... People are funny things.

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