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Scripture does not clearly state the Adam and/or Eve ever had "Sacrifice Protocol 101" with Cain and Abel. Although I have heard it taught that because God slayed animals to make tunics for Adam and Eve this indicated a clear need for a blood sacrifice atoning for sin. This is the most prominent and accepted teaching I have heard.

I think the scriptures state the real reason for Abel's acceptance and Cain's rejection in their offerings was due the place in their heart God occupied. The Word of God records (KJV) that And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.

And in the process of time.(As the boys grew old enough to worship God) that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. (from the produce that Cain was growing, Cain brought a portion to God as an offering). And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. (Abel too, brought an offering. The firstlings ((FIRSTFRUITS)) of his flock.

Abel showed God that God was most important to him. Abel offered the firstfruits of his flock and Cain showed God that He, (God) held a lesser place in his life because the offering was a portion of the fruit of the ground and not the "firstfruits".

God has a odd belief that it is all about Him, and that He ought to be First in the lives of His creation. Abel displayed this preeminent position to God and was accepted both he and his sacrifice. Cain on the other hand showed lesser reverence and his offering was rejected, but God did let him know that if he did better (held God dearer) he too would be accepted.

This too is what we are guilty of when the World gets it's portion of our FIRST 90% and God gets HIS 10% last from our checkbook. Faithful tithers CAN live under a curse too...

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Q: Did Cain know that he had to offer a blood sacrifice?
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The Bible says that only blood can redeem us from sin. So an animal had to be sacrificed and its blood shed in the Old Testament times, then in the New Testament times Jesus died and shed His blood for us. ----------------------- While only the blood of an unblemished animal is considered acceptable as a sin offering, scripture does not tell us when this came to be the only sacrifice sacrifice for sin acceptable to God. And, we do not know if the sacrifices offered by Abel and Cain were offered for sin, or just part of a regular "giving back to God" from God's provision to them. Scripture tells us that "without faith it is impossible to please God." By giving of the best of his lambs, Abel was trusting God to provide even though he had just given to God the best of what he had. And Abel went even further by giving the very best part of the lambs offered. It was a loss to Abel to make this sacrifice, and he was trusting in God's provision to him. Clearly God found this to be acceptable. On the other hand, Cain simply gave from some of the fruit of the field he tilled. Because of God's reaction, we conclude that this was not really a sacrifice at all, just a sharing from his abundance. No faith was required of Cain to give such an amount to God because he kept back all he needed. This is of course an assumption, but I believe from God's response that it is warranted.

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The first murder was committed when Cain slew Abel in the book of Genesis. What the Bible tells us is Cain was jealous over his brother's sacrafice pleased God while Cain's did not. People have killed for much less. The Bible tells us God asked Cain the whereabouts of Abel and Cain answered 'Am I my brother's keeper?' But Abel's blood cried out to God from the Earth where it was spilled. God exiled Cain to the land of Nod.

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The bible does not tell us of the early lives of Cain and Abel. We do not know what was in Cain's heart, but we do know that the time came when Cain was very angry with Abel and murdered him in a field. Perhaps this animosity had been in his heart for some time, and perhaps not.

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"I don't know. Am I my brother's keeper?"

Where was the biblical figure Abel born did he marry have kids your son is writing a 2 page Biography about Abel and would like to find interesting or relevant facts about him?

Abel was born in the biblical land of Israel. According to the Bible, Abel did not marry or have children. He is known for his role in offering a pleasing sacrifice to God, which was accepted over his brother Cain's offering, leading to Cain's jealousy and subsequent murder of Abel. These events are found in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

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Actually no, I don't know where you got that idea. Herman Cain has a Masters in Computer Science and has worked in many careers, but not a minister.

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Cains wife was his very own sister.

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The first person was born cain because Adam and eve were created. I know this answer because i learned about this and I was really interested so yeah .and Cain and abel married there sisters and had kids with them because there was NOONE on earth but only them

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We do not know who the first man born to Adam was. We only know that Cain is the first one mentioned in the Bible - but this may have been mainly because of Cain's significance as the first murderer.