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He taught the people of Ur, and later the Canaanites, and his own family, to worship the One God.

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Sort of. The Followers of Judaism were the descendants of Abraham.

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Q: Did Abraham have followers to spread Judaism?
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Who started the spread of Judaism?


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Where did the religion of Judaism spread and where is it now?

Judaism is a religion, it all started in Abraham's time.

Which of these statements accurately describes a major development in Judaism?

Abraham's covenant with God led his followers to practice monotheism

Who or what is worshipped in judaism?

Dictionaries define "Judaism" as The monotheistic religion of the Jews, since the founding principle of Judaism was and is the belief in One God, creator of the universe. This was the teaching which was spread by Abraham, and has continued since then. From Judaism, belief in One God has spread through the Western world.Link: A biography of Abraham

What are the leaders and followers of Judaism?

The leaders of Judaism are Rabbis. The followers of Judaism are the Jewish people.

Who is judaism based on?

Dictionaries define "Judaism" as The monotheistic religion of the Jews, since the founding principle of Judaism was and is the belief in One God, creator of the universe. This was the teaching which was spread by Abraham, and has continued since then. From Judaism, belief in One God has spread through the Western world.

Who is the polytheistic of Judaism?

Polytheism is a major sin; and monotheism is the defining characteristic of Judaism. Dictionaries define "Judaism" as The monotheistic religion of the Jews, since the founding principle of Judaism was and is the belief in One God. This was the teaching which was spread by Abraham, and has continued since then. From Judaism, belief in One God has spread through the Western world.See also:Were Jews always monotheistic?What do Jews believe God is like?A biography of Abraham

How many deities are worshiped in Judaism?

Dictionaries define "Judaism" as The monotheistic religion of the Jews, since the founding principle of Judaism was and is the belief in One God, creator of the universe. This was the teaching which was spread by Abraham, and has continued since then. From Judaism, belief in One God has spread through the Western world.Link: A biography of Abraham

Who is called the father of Judaism?

Abraham, isaac, jacob, mosesAnswer:You meant to ask "Who are the forefathers of Judaism." There are only three (Talmud, Berakhot 16b); and they are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

What religion are the Jews?

Judaism is the religion of the Jews.Dictionaries define Judaism as The monotheistic religion of the Jews, since the founding principle of Judaism was and is the belief in One God. This was the teaching which was spread by Abraham, and has continued since then. From Judaism, belief in One God has spread through the Western world.See also:What do Jews believe God is like?A biography of AbrahamWhat are the teachings, practices, principles and beliefs of Judaism?

What type of religion is Judaism?

Dictionaries define "Judaism" as The monotheistic religion of the Jews, since the founding principle of Judaism was and is the belief in One God. This was the teaching which was spread by Abraham, confirmed by God's covenant and Divine Revelation at Mount Sinai, and has continued since then. From Judaism, belief in One God has spread through the Western world.See also the Related Links.Link: What do Jews believe God is like?Link: A biography of Abraham