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Though the Puritans came to America seeking religious freedom, they were intolerant of any variant of their own religion. Thus it was that Ann Hutchinson and Whatshisname, the founder of Rhode Island, were expelled from the colony for religious deviations. The Puritans used their colony to practice those of their customs which were too bizarre for the English monarchy to handle; they were antisocial and strict, with even stricter gender roles than was the norm. They cut themselves off from both the Amerindians and the other colonies.

The Pilgrims, on the other hand, escaped religious persecution only to settle for some time in Holland, where people practiced a similar form of Protestantism. However, that form was much more accepted, so their youth began to convert to it. So that their special form of Christianity could be preserved, they moved to America.

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Because they wanted to find the New England Colonies so they can practice their religion freely.

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