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Yes!it recalled the last supper and the raising again of this at Emmaus after his resurrection.Jesus symbolize himself as bread and wine. Anyone who will eat or receive this shall attain eternal life in kingdom of God in heaven.

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Passover, or in Catholic/Orthodox terms "Pascha"

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The Lord's Last Supper on Holy Thursday.

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Holy Thursday.

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Q: Day in Lent recalling the first Eucharist?
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Day in Lent recalling Jesus' death?

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How is the eucharist linked to ash Wednesday?

The Eucharist is not directly linked to Ash Wednesday. The institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper is celebrated on Holy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter Sunday). Holy Thursday is toward the end of the season of Lent, and Ash Wednesday is the first day of that season.

What day of the week is the first day of lent?

The season of Lent always begins on Ash Wednesday.

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the season of lent

What reminder do we receive on the first day do lent?

ashesWe receive ashes which is the penitential reminder on the first day of Lent. Like on Ash Wednesday.

What reminder do we receive on the first day of lent?

ashesWe receive ashes which is the penitential reminder on the first day of Lent. Like on Ash Wednesday.

What penitential reminder do you receive on the first day of Lent?

ashesWe receive ashes which is the penitential reminder on the first day of Lent. Like on Ash Wednesday.

Why do you receive ashes on the first day of lent?

According to the Catholic Church, you receive ashes on the first day of lent to remind you that from dust you came, and to dust you shall return.

What day will start the Lenten season?

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent.

What day follows Mardi Gras?

Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent

What food item is eaten on the first day of lent?

The food eaten during lent season is usually vegetarian only

What is the day of ashes?

You are probably referring to Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the Church Calendar.