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This sounds like what Atheists do. They claim to be moral and ethical on their own merits, and by their own decisions, while the truth is, morals and ethics are God given.

If something is immoral or unethical, it is because it goes against the laws or precepts of God Almighty.

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Surprisingly, The Bible offers no real guidance on what to do when there are conflicting moral issues. Norman L. Geisler (Christian Ethics) describes a number systems for Christians to resolve this dilemma, but each is capable of criticism. A very brief description of some follows.

Generalism holds that there are no universal laws. Where no moral conflict exists, you obey all ethical laws, but where a moral conflict exists you decide between two moral principles in order to achieve the most ethical result.

Situationism holds that there is only one universal law,which is love. Any other moral rule can be broken for love's sake. In this system, love should be considered as love of humanity, not just of one's self or family.

Unqualified absolutism holds that in making ethical decisions, we must not break any moral laws, even if the result is disastrous.

Graded absolutism holds that in making ethical decisions, it is our duty to do the lesser evil. We must break the lesser law

Conflicting absolutism is a nuanced alternative to graded absolutism, again holding that we must break the lesser moral rule, and seek forgiveness for doing so.

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