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Yes, priests and monks in the medieval period could read and write, although they were rather in the minority! The wrote and "illuminated" (illustrated) beautiful books called manuscripts, such as the Book of Kells.

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Q: Could priests read in the middle ages?
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Related questions

What percentage of people in the middle ages could read?

About 1% is my guess. They were the priests and clergy and some nobility. Other than that very few people could read.

Who were the only ones who could read and writeduring the middle ages?

The monks

What did they write with in the Middle Ages?

mainly people couldn't read or write in the middle ages but those who could would use a quill pen

During the Middle Ages noblewomen had?

During the middle ages noble women had no opportunity no learn how to read and write.

How did the new vernacular literature reflect the growing national pride in the middle ages?

There was no literature in the middle ages. It takes a printing press to publish literature and that wasn't invented until 1446 in Germany. People couldn't read or write in the middle ages so no one could read literature, if it had existed. Because there was no "new vernacular literature" it did not reflect a national pride. People also didn't have "nationalism" in the middle ages. They owed an allegiance to a king and the nobility.

How was Christianity communicated to people in the middle ages?

It was communicated in a number of ways. Foremost among these was the idea of missionary priests, which basically meant priests would go throughout the countryside spreading the message of Christianity. Because during the middle ages, many peasants couldn't read or write, most churches were built with stained-glass windows depicting stories of the Bible, so that the people would have a sense of what the story was about.

What did the people in the Middle Ages do for entertainment?

Banquets, annual parties, and going to theater. The last one occurred later on in the middle ages, but was still in the middle ages. People who were able to read were also able to do that for enjoyment.

What do the people in the middle ages do for entertainment?

Banquets, annual parties, and going to theater. The last one occurred later on in the middle ages, but was still in the middle ages. People who were able to read were also able to do that for enjoyment.

What did noble children do in the middle ages?

they learned how to hunt and they learned how to read

Middle ages ten major European universities and locate on map?

There were no universities in this time. About 90% off the population was unable to read or write. Only the clergy could read and write.

Where did christian education take place during the middle ages?

in monasterys nuns and monks tought the children mostly about god but they could read and write

How were school different from schools today?

There were no medieval schools. The only people who could read and write were the priests and monks. Monks produced books and rewrote The Bible. They would work years on one book because it was done by hand. They also collected books and kept small libraries that they would use. 90% of the population could not read or write. ----- A couple minutes research brings up a list of about 70 schools opened during the Middle Ages that are still open today, so clearly there were schools in the Middle Ages. There are links below to a related question. More information can be found by following it.