

Best Answer

First of all, there's no biblical narrative to indicate that the creature in question

was a whale. But that's another issue, and we can let that one pass for now.

The answer to the question is: You wouldn't have thought so, would you. That's

what made it so noteworthy at the time, and a story worth retelling ever since.

To evaluate the likelihood of biblical events in terms of the extent of ones own

wisdom and "common sense" is an example of what the Navajo call "chutzpah".

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Q: Could Jonah have lived inside the Whale?
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What is Jonah from The Bible about?

Jonah was told by God to go to a place called Ninevah where the people were terrible. God wanted Jonah to speak to them and help them see that they needed to change their ways. But, Jonah decided not to go so God had a giant fish, sometimes said to be a whale, swallow Jonah to teach him a lesson. Don't worry, Jonah lived.

Why do whales eat people?

It is very unusual for whales to eat people. The most likely reason for a whale to eat a person would be if an orca were to mistake a person for a seal. And as for the story of Jonah and the whale, don't take that too seriously.

What did Jonah do to GOD to be swallowed by a fish?

Originally it was the leviathan, an imaginary, giant beast of the sea.(Really giant, it covered the entire sea bed.) Since the story of Jonah is recorded in the scripture, the scripture has the answer for this.17Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. A fish is not a whale, in terms of modern scientific classification, since a whale is a mammal. However it appears unclear what the actual Hebrew word used could be referring to. Some have suggested it was a large shark. The Leviathan is a different creature, with a different Hebrew word used, and so it was not a Leviathan. In any case, it was not any kind of mythological creature, but a real existent one.

Who in the Bible was swallowed by a whale and lived?

Jonah...Jonah 1:17 Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.Answer:The inspired scripture doesn't say "whale." It says that God "...PREPARED A GREAT FISH to swallow up Jonah..." (Jonah 1:17).It doesn't reveal what kind of fish... or if this "special" fish is extant today as a species.Nor does it say that Jonah was alive for those three days and three nights in the fish's belly. We are only told that in the fish's belly Jonah prayed... but not for how long.Jesus gave the "sign of Jonas" as THE ONLY "proof of His Messiahship:"...An evil and adulterous generation SEEKETH AFTER A SIGN; and there shall no sign be given to it, BUT THE SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAS: For AS Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly [again, the inspired word is 'KETOS' -- or, HUGE FISH]; SO SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE HEART OF THE EARTH." (Matt.12:40)How was Jesus [after the manner of Jonah] in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights? Was He alive... or was He dead?Of course... He was "resurrected" from the dead... just AS Jonah was resurrected when: " vomited out Jonah upon the dry land." (Jonah 2:10)If Jonah was alive three days and three nights in the fish's belly... then so was Jesus alive [AS Jonah was] -- which would mean He never paid our ransom... the ONLY SIGN HE GAVE OF HIS MESSIAHSHIP FAILED... and Jesus Christ is not the Messiah.Yes, Jonah lived... but only after he was revived after three days and three nights.

How many people lived in Nineveh in Jonah's time?

Over one hundred and twenty thousand (Jonah 4:11). See also:More about Jonah

What type of whale swallowed pinochio?

Yes, for a brief period of time Pinocchio lived inside of the whale Monstro. He was swallowed when he tried to save his father Gepetto who was trapped in the whale.

Why was Noah swallowed by a fish?

Noah was not swallowed by a fish; it was the prophet Jonah from the Bible who was swallowed by a fish. Jonah was swallowed by a great fish as a form of punishment for fleeing from God's orders. He was eventually spit out onto dry land after repenting and praying to God.

What is the biggest animal that lived?

Blue whale.

Are whale sharks the biggest thing in the world?

No. The largest creature to have ever lived is the blue whale.

What was the heaviest animal that ever lived?

blue whale

What is the biggest creature to have ever lived?

The Blue Whale

Laregest animal to have ever lived?

The Blue whale.