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Roman Catholic AnswerI believe that the individual priest has a choice for a funeral, he may wear violet, black, or white. Most priests that I have seen recently, choose white for funerals. In the Extraordinary Form, black is required, unless it is an infant, in which case, I believe, white may be used.
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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

He wears white to symbolise the victory over death. That by Jesus dying on the cross for us and then rising on the third day, he conquered death for all those who die in Him. The casket is also drapped in a white cloth to symbolise the same thing.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Prior to the reforms following the Second Vatican Council, a priest was only permitted to wear black for funerals. Today, a priest may wear white, black or violet.

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Q: Color of vestments priests wear during funerals?
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White, or white and gold, is the color of vestments during the Christmas Season.

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Roman Catholic AnswerWhite is the color for the Solemnity of Christ the King. Gold or Silver may be substituted.

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The color of the vestments of the pope, or any priest or bishop, depends on the liturgical season. During Lent or Advent the vestments are violet.

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The normal color of vestments during Advent is violet. However, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8) white and blue vestments may be worn in honor of the Virgin Mary.

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Vestments are purple at the start of Lent.

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There isn't really a tradition of the laity "color-coordinating" according to feast days, but the colors blue (humility) and white (purity) are associated with Our Lady. And the Priests vestments are white on this day.

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Answer: The colours represent different things: White: Joy (Christmas, Easter, weddings, feasts of Christ and Mary, saints) Red: Blood and sacrifice (Good Friday, feasts of martyrs) Red: Fire (Celebrations of the Holy Spirit, Confirmation) Purple: Waiting (Advent) and Penance (Lent) and mourning (funerals) Blue: Mary (feasts of Mary and possibly Advent) Black: Sorrow (funerals, but less and less used) Green: Hope (during all other times) Gold: Used on solemn occasions instead of white, if the priest wishes.