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Q: Christianity began to spread throughout the empire after the conversion of the emperor?
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Whose conversion to Christianity helped make Christianity acceptable to Rome?

Emperor Constantine, who moved the capital of the Empire to Constantinople, ALLOWED Christianity in Roman Empire and converted on his death bed through the Edict of Milan. His tolerance accepted Christianity in Rome, NOT his CONVERSION.

Who were not contributing to the spread of Christianity throughout the roman empire?

The Romans who remained pagans did not contribute to the spread of Christianity Neither did Julian, who was the only pagan emperor in the Later Roman Empire

Why should Christianity be considered a major world religion?

A:More than anything, the spread of Christianity can be attributed to the success of the Roman Empire, with the enforced conversion of pagans to Christianity throughout the empire, then the success of the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne, the forced conversion of Russia to Christianity and finally the spread of colonialism to the New World.

Whose conversation to Christianity helped make Christianity acceptable in rome?

Emperor Constantine, who moved the capital of the Empire to Constantinople, ALLOWED Christianity in Roman Empire and converted on his death bed through the Edict of Milan. His tolerance accepted Christianity in Rome, NOT his CONVERSION.

Whose conversation to Christianity helped make it acceptable in Rome?

Emperor Constantine, who moved the capital of the Empire to Constantinople, ALLOWED Christianity in Roman Empire and converted on his death bed through the Edict of Milan. His tolerance accepted Christianity in Rome, NOT his CONVERSION.

Under the reign of which emperor did Christianity become the official religion of the Roman Empire?

Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.

Who converted to Christianity and spread it throughout the roman empire?

There was no one particular person who spread Christianity throughout the empire. All of the disciples/apostles of Jesus went out to "teach all nations". Several apostles are patrons of distant countries and they may very well have traveled to them. For example, James is affiliated with Spain, Peter with Rome, Luke, although not an apostle but a friend of Paul, is buried in Padua, Italy according to the latest DNA. Paul himself traveled and wrote throughout the middle east until he was taken to Rome as a prisoner. The Roman Emperor Constantine also helped spread Christianity by declaring it the official religion of the Roman Empire.

What did Christianity become to the Roman Empire?

After the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, that became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Which empire declared Christianity to be the religion of the roman empire?

The emperor Theodosius I declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman empire. In fact, he made Christianity mandatory for all.

Who outlawed pagan worship in the roman empire?

The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.The emperor Theodosius I outlawed all non-Christian religions in the empire and made Christianity mandatory for all.

What religion did Charlemagne helped spread?

Charlemagne helped spread Christianity throughout the Frankish Empire and the lands he conquered. He spread Christianity through both peaceful conversion efforts and military conquests.

What did Paul do in the rise of Christianity?

paul spreaded christianity throughout the empire