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Q: Can you still be ethical after deffering and accruing many expenses?
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Can you obey the law and still commit an ethical violation?

What are outstanding expenses?

expenses that you still owe (have not yet been paid).

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You have assets, the rights, benefits accruing to you, and reponsbililties for which you would not even know exist, but still can be liable for.

What bills are to be paid first from a will?

funeral expenses,, medical expenses and all other outstanding expenses which were not paid when the deceased person was still alive.

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If unnecessary expenses have been removed from your budget what can you do if your expenses still exceed your income?

Work overtime or get another job.

Differnce between outstanding expenses and prepaid expenses?

prepaid expenses are paid in advance and they are called current assets.The outstanding expense is the unpaid money,still owed.

Do you have to pay your private student loans while im still in school?

Yes you can. Most loan companies will allow you to make payments even though you are still in school. I am in Grad school and even though my undergrad loans are in deferment, I am still making payments to the loans that are accruing interest. The loans that are subsidized and not accruing interest, I am leaving alone until I payoff the unsubsidized loans. Find out who has your loans and contact them about where to send payment.

What can you do if your expenses still exceed your income Once all unnecessary expenses have been removed from your budget?

Work overtime or get another job.

Do you still pay child support if your child is on a foreign exchange?

Yes of course. The child still have expenses.

Is compliant behaviour the same as Ethical behaviour?

Compliancy does not automatically equate to ethical behaviour. While behaving in a legally compliant manner is certainly a step towards being ethical, it is still possible to be unethical whilst being totally compliant with legislation.