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Absolutely, but I do not recommend sending a store bought one. Those one's might have simple things that the witnesses do not believe on. It could have a picture of Jesus on a cross, however in The Bible it states that Jesus was tortured on a stake, which is just a long wood pole.

I'm sure a witness would appreciate a card that was home-made by you.

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Yes. Jehovah's Witnesses regularly send get well soon cards and like anyone else enjoy and appreciate the kindness that people show when they give them a get well soon card.

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Q: Can you send a Jehovah witness a card for the memorial of Jesus?
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Do you get a birthday card for a Jehovah Witness as long as it does not mention party or celebration?

Since Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays, it would be best to respect their beliefs and not get them a card at all.

What kind of greeting card do you get a Jehovah's Witness?

That would depend on what you are getting the greeting card for. It would be good to note that Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas, nor do we exchange holiday greeting cards or even the holiday greetings such as "Merry Christmas." We also do not celebrate the other religious holiday's such as Easter and valentine's day. If you give a holiday greeting card to a witness, it is usually awkward for the witness because he knows you are expecting him to reciprocate, but he won't and sometimes he is at a loss as to what to do, because he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So, if the greeting card is for a holiday, it would probably be best to simply avoid a card altogether. RELATED QUESTION Can you give a Jehovah witness a card

What to put on condolence card for dads Jehovah witness funeral?

Surely whatever you feel is in keeping with expressing condolence.

Is cash or a gift card an acceptable gift for a new baby born to parents of the Jehovah's Witness faith?

Yes it is, and very practical as well! And thoughtful.

Can a Jehovah's Witness give a sympathy card to someone who is not a Jehovah's Witness?

Yes, this is a kind gesture that shows empathy and is usually much appreciated. Most Jehovah's Witnesses, however, would be careful in their choice of card to be sure it conveyed real comfort to the recipient. Answer 2: Of course we can give sympathy cards. Everyone at a time of loss and grief appreciate gestures of empathy and kindness. In imitation of Jesus, we realize tenderness will motivate us to help others, especially those who are grieving or suffering. Romans 5:12 says "We weep with those who weep." Things happen in life and we all need comfort at one time or another regardless of our faith.

What do you give as a gift to your Jehovah Witness neighbors on the birth of their newborn and can you send a card?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to send them a card! And they use the same things for newborn babies as you do; blankets, stuffed animals, diapers, cute little shoes, etc. Don't be afraid to be friendly just because they're Jehovah's Witnesses!

What do you do for a Jehovah's Witness who has lost a parent?

just comfort them and get them a nice card or something. just remember they do not celebrate any holdiday other than anniversarys........................ they r normal people with a different religion

Can you give a Jehovah's Witness a New Year card?

Although they often love hearing from their loved ones, and rejoice in hearing their health is well, they do not participate in christmas celebrations, so it stands to reason, they would look at the card as a mere greeting, and most likely throw it away. For more information contact your local Witnesses.

Should you give a card to a Jehovah's witness for the birth of their child?

Yes you can give a witnesses a card; whether the witnesses will chose to accept it will depend on several factors. Since Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas or birthdays (or other celebrations they deem as 'pagan') if this has previously been explained the witness may or may not choose to accept the card if it is for one of these occassions. He or she may accept the card in the spirit it was given, explaining the above or may chose not to accept the card. If the card is for another occassion that the witnesses finds unobjectionable they will likely accept it with thanks.

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Is it okay to send flowers to a Jehovah's Witness' memorial service?

Yes. The funeral of Jehovah's Witnesses is primarily to provide comfort to grieving ones, and certainly flowers are something that provides cheer to those receiving them. In fact, if you go to the funeral service in the Kingdom Hall, likely you will see flowers on the platform that have been sent by others, including members of the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Edited to add that while Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians, we do not use the cross symbol in our worship. So if you do send flowers to a memorial service/funeral for one of Jehovah's Witnesses, please do not send one that is shaped like a cross. We would certainly appreciate the sentiment, but would not display such an arrangement.

Does Jehovah's witnesses allowed to send flowers as condolences?

Of course! Flowers; -- a card; -- Maybe send them our little brochure called: "When A Loved One Dies" We might offer to sit with them and share the comfort from Jehovah God about the condition of the dead; and Jehovah's promise of a future resurrection back to life again right here on earth. Maybe prepare a whole dinner for the family; bring a pot of soup. Perhaps take the children for the weekend; or run some other errands.