Rahab was a prostitute who hid the spies sent by Israel to spy out Jericho so that they would not be killed. She hid them during a search made of her house and then let them down out her window outside the city wall so they could escape. She and her family were granted immunity when it came to Israel destroying the city of Jericho. She was remembered throughout history as having been a friend to Israel. She was also David's great-great grandmother.
rahab gul
Strong's Concordance of the Bible list Rahab's name appearing 10 times and as Rachab one time.
Hosea 2:16 Answer: Ishi is not a name. It means "my husband;" and in the relevant verse of Hosea ch.2, it does refer to God.
hosea chanchez
In the Bible, her name was 'Rahab'. At Joshua chapters 2 through 6, Rahab was instrumental in helping the Israelites in their conquest of Jericho. She hid the two spies that Joshua had sent to spy out the land. And yes, she is the same Rahab mentioned in the lineage of Jesus Christ. Interestingly, Rahab and Bath-sheba were the not Israelite women, but they purified themselves and became Hebrew by marriage. Jesus' earthly mother Mary was the only Jewish woman mentioned in the Bible as an ancestress.
hosea chanchez
In the book bearing his name, little is revealed concerning Hosea except that he was the son of Beeri.
In the book bearing his name, little is revealed concerning Hosea except that he was the son of Beeri.