To understand what the mark of the beast is we first have to understand what the Bible tells us is a symbolic beast.
"I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and THAT THEY MIGHT SEE THAT THEY THEMSELVES ARE BEASTS" (Ecc 3:18).
In the Bible men can be "beasts" (individually/microcosm), such as what happened to the king of Babylon (see also Psalm 49:20; Isa 55:9; Ecc 3:18) but the Bible also calls the kingdoms of men "beasts" in [Daniel 7:23] as to their affections (macrocosm).
"The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth" Daniel 7:17.
Jesus said, "go into the world and preach the Gospel to EVERY CREATURE" (Mark 16:15). As men in their natural state are carnally motivated like the animals, the Bible likens us in our first born condition to animals (this is why the first born of Egypt had to be killed), it is symbolic of our first born nature, which is animilistic. Whenever the Apostle Paul speaks of the "natural man" he quotes the prophecies of Egypt, as "Egypt" represents the natural man (the beast) and "Israel" represents the spiritual man. Hence the need for the animal sacrifice (we internally sacrifice that nature in us).
There are several places in the Bible that directly explain the meaning of the biblical symbol of a "beast" when applied to men; although the Old Testament is full of explicit instructions (commandments) by God to "sacrifice the beast" that were taken by the fallen Israelites to literally mean the slaying of innocent animals rather than the slaying of the nature of the beast within man (the first born nature of Egypt). Despite the Bible explicity telling them they were missing the point; "I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats...Stop bringing meaningless offerings!" (Isaiah 1:11)
The reason Abels sacrifice was accepted and Cains was rejected is because Abel sacrificed the beast, he made the animal sacrifice which is a LIFE sacrifice (he killed the animal nature within) which results in a change of lifestyle. So the bible uses the symbolism of the "beast" to represent mankind before we make the animal sacrifice (which means we sacrifice that nature in us), i.e pride, greed, desire, lust etc, the same basic motivating principles that we share with the beasts/animals.
The following verses explain what the Bible means by "the image of the beast", it is the character of the beast that is in mind (as opposed to the Divine Image which is the example/character of Jesus).
"Their eyes stand out in fatness they have more than their heart could wish…they speak arrogantly, they set their mouths against the heavens…these are the ungodly who prosper in the world… as a dream when thou awake you shall despise THEIR IMAGE, so foolish was I, and ignorant, I was a BEAST before thee"(Ps 73:6, 8, 12, 20, 22).
That is the only place in the entire Bible where the words "image" and "beast" are used together to explain the meaning. It is an accurate description of modern man. David says he is a beast before God because he envies the wealth of others and because he thought they prospered (until God showed him their ultimate fate), i.e "the carnal mind is death but the spiritual mind is life" Romans 8:1-17.
That men as to their affections, are meant by beasts, may appear in these places and many besides, "a man who is in honour but understands not is like a BEAST that perishes" (Psalm 49:20). "ALL YE BEASTS OF THE FIELD...HIS WATCHMEN ARE BLIND, THEY ARE ALL IGNORANT, they are dumb DOGS they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber, YEA THEY ARE GREEDY DOGS" (Isa 55:9); The Pharisees were men in honour but who understood not, so likewise today popes, bishops, cardinals are men in honour in the eyes of the world. Also many other places, "Thou, O God, didst send a plentiful rain, whereby Thou didst confirm Thine inheritance, when it was weary; this BEAST SHALL DWELL THEREIN" (Ps. 68:9, 10); "rejoice and be glad, be not afraid, ye BEASTS OF MY FIELDS, for my pastures of the wilderness do spring" (Joel 2. 21-23).
We are the beasts of the field before we are born again after non animilistic affections.
In Isaiah 55:9 and Pslam 49:20 beasts are "shepherds" (the biblical symbol for a priest), the second tells us they are men "in honour" (in the eyes of the world), but that "understand not" (in the eyes of God). "ALL YE BEASTS...his watchmen are blind, THEY ARE ALL IGNORANT, they are SHEPHARDS that cannot understand"(Isa 56:7). "The Man that IS IN HONOUR, and UNDERSTANDS NOT, is like THE BEAST that perish" Ps 49:20. Men in honour (like the Pharisees/Popes/Bishops) "AND" who "understand not" and are proud and materialistic.
These are men in "honour" in the eyes of the world who are adored by millions and in whom millions trust, that have not performed the animal sacrifice and killed the beast nature within; and "cannot understand" the Bible yet have nevertheless "glorified themselves on earth" (Rev 18:7), like the Pharisees (but worse), they lead millions who trust in them into spiritual captivity into both Babylon and Egypt. "Therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge."Isaiah 5:13.
Beasts are carnally motivated men (microcosm) or nations (macrocosm) who have no spiritual understanding and are motivated by the same instincts as the animals, pride, lust, greed, desire etc.
In the Bible men can be "beasts" (individually), such as what happened to the king of Babylon but the Bible also calls the kingdoms of men "beasts" in [Daniel 7:23] as to their affections (macrocosm).
"The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth" Daniel 7:17.
In the story about the King of Babylon the king became a beast for seven years, yet the entire kingdom worshipped his image and in Daniel 2 and 7 the kingdoms of men were (in) his image. Yet Daniel in Babylon refused to worship his image and refused to eat the kings food (refused the mark of the beast), so likewise as Jesus denied himself in the desert and manifested the Divine Image, "if any man will follow me he must deny himself", both are opposites to how most of us live today in the Christian west. So the image of the beast is the opposite type of person. Very materialistic and brutish.
It says in Revelation 13 that those who do not have their name written in the book of life adore "the beast and his image". The beast in a corporate sense (macrocosm of the microcosm) is natural man (motivated only as to those animalistic) or carnal affections, it is talking about a type - like Esua, like Cain, like the medieval popes of Rome, like modern man who is only interested in consumerism/materialism - motivated and imbued only as to those affections (that nature); who admire and adore those of that nature - these are those in the [spiritual] "image [character] of the beast" (Rev 13:13; 18:12-14). To adore the image or character of the beast would be to adore the type of person who is proud and materialistic, it is the adoration of celebrity in a consumerist society.
Of the beast or antiChrist in Revelation 18 it says "And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were goodly and dainty....merchadiseof.." = [consumerism]. The fruits that his soul lusted after is identical to how we are imbued in modern western Christian societies. It is our very way of modern life.
If you notice in Revelation 12 the true Church is fleeing in the wilderness as the Israelites did in the Old Testament. The pattern will be the same - judgement fell on the Israelites in the wilderness because "they fattened themselves in the day of slaughter" (they wanted God to fulfill their carnal desires) and "the wrath of God fell on the fattest of them" Psalm 78:31. These patterns and types always repeat. The context was actually food (God gave them as much food as they liked), bread and qual, so likewise the mark of the beast should appear on food (what we desire in this life in that materialistic context). This is also the context in which the devil tried to tempt Jesus in Matt 4. This was also the less spoken reason judgement fell upon Sodom, "Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy." Ezekiel 16:49. They were in the image of the beast.
The final church age is said to have "the hour of temptation that shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on earth" (Rev 3:10). The test is a test of our affections, carnal or spiritual. It is thought that this symbolic 'hour' is symbolic of a 40 year period which will be the most materialistic in human history (many believe that is now). So just as the Israelites were tested in the wilderness in this context, so are spiritual Israelites today.
In the Church age the way the medievil papacy behaved was held up as the anti-example (proud/materialistic), yet now modern man is in that image [character] as opposed to the Divine Image (the character of Christ), we are all in the image of the beast (animistic motivated man), the macrocosm of the microcosm or anti example. Therefore as this is what we are motivated by (materialism), we should expect to find the mark of the beast on everything we "buy and sell". While buying and selling has a spiritual meaning, it does also a literal as we can see in Rev 18:12-14, it is what we live for today, our world system of things. Those too in the world will never perceive it, they have forgot the context of the Bible which is a spiritual book. Living for consumerism/materialism is spiritual mass murder, "the carnal mind is death" Romans 8:1-17.
The symbolic meaning of the beast in Bible prophecy is about the world either manifesting the "image" (character) of the beast", or the "Image of God" Colossians 1:15, which is the character of God. Christ is the example of whose image/character we are to manifest througout the Church age the medievil popes were held up as the anti example. Now modern man is in that image.
"This is their resemblance through all the earth....and, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. And he said, This is wickedness." Zech 5:7-8 (KJV), the woman here is the same as the Mother Harlot in Revelation 17. So the image/resemblance of the medievil RCC is now "their resemblance through all the earth". It is also the image/resemblance of Protestant America.
To be a "beast" means to be motivated by animilistic affections not spiritual effections, "for I was ENVIOUS at the boastful, when I saw the PROSPERITY of the wicked; for their are no bands in their death; but their strength is firm "; "until I went into the sanctuary of my God, then understood I their end".."so foolish was I, and ignorant, I was as a BEAST before you" (Psalm 73;3; 22). Here David says he was a "beast" because his perception and understanding of spiritual matters was based upon his wisdom derived at the level of his bodily senses (he perceived at that level the ungodly rich prospered in the world and had no pangs in death Ps 73:4). It was not until he was enlightened by God as to the ultimate fate of man that he realised his perception was natural/external and spiritually foolish (Ps 73:17-18). He was also a "beast" as to his affections (envious of the prosperity of others).
The beast is natural man (a spiritual Egyptian), and that which does not accord with the wisdom derived at the level of his bodily senses seems foolishness to him, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned". The natural man is revealed as to his spiritual perception (which is external), and his affections (which are carnal).
Mark of the Beast revealed
It is the number of a man, this has most commonly been interpretted as Vicarious Filii Dei, the popes title which adds upto 666 in all three biblical languages. The medievil popes were notoriously tyrannical. We are told in Revelation 18 they lived for and lusted after merchandise, "all that is goodly and dainty". Prophecy is fullfilled over two eras, the Church era which has ended and the era of the nations which we are in now.
The seven thunders of Chapter 10 are seven additional prophecies John was about to write down but was told to "write not" (as they are already written down). They represent a dual fulfillment of seven prophecies already written this last century, i.e "You must prophesy again before many peoples, nations, languages and kings." Rev 10:11. Hence Revelation chapter 10 and the 'little book', which is Daniels 'sealed book' (Dan 12:4) is now "open" in "the time of the end" and delivered "open" at the start of Revelation 10 represents a dual fulfillment of much of the boo of Revelation this last unique century. Hence chapter 10 is situated after Trumpet 6 (traditional Historicist fulfillment approx 1890) but before Trumpet 7 (in which all prophecy is fulfilled). That is why Zechariah says, "This is their resemblance through all the earth....and, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. And he said, This is wickedness." Zech 5:7-8 (KJV).
So the beast is first revealed as microcosm (medievil popes of Rome) and then macrocosm (the nations in their image). Hence as we have seen above "beasts" can be both men (microcosm) and nations in their image (macrocosm).
If you remember the image/statue of the King of Babylon in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7, all the nations were (in) his image. If you visualize it in your mind you will understand the concept og microcosm and macrocosm. Now imagine the statue of the King of Babylon as the papacy with the main modern Christian nations (in) his image, the lion (UK), the leopard (Germany), the bear (Russia) and the eagle (USA). Note in Daniel 7:4 the eagle is the only one that emerges "from the earth", the rest emerge from the sea (or crowded old world), see Rev 17:15 "The waters you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages". So the beast from the earth is the USA, the beast from the sea made up of the lion, bear and leopard is the crowded old world. Notice the eagle is plucked from the lion as the USA seperated from the UK to grow up "from the earth" in Daniel 7:4 and "out of the earth" in Revelation 13.11.
So the beast as microcosm (was the medievil popes) and the beast as macrocosm (is modern man who is of that image). The Mark of the Beast today represents our very lifestyle in that context, it is in the Universal Product Code. The first mark on everything we literally "buy or sell" just happened to read 666 (its only unchanging structure) worldwide. In Russia the Orthodox church lobbied the government not to accept it, in Greece their were riots. Most western Christians are blind to it as they have forgot the context of the Bible. Modern man is in the image [character] of the medievil popes of Rome and lusts after the same (consumerism/merchandise). So 666 "in" the forehead represents all of man as to his will and affections and 666 in the hand represents all of man as to his will and actions. 666 "in" the forehead is a mindset.
Technically the Universal Product Code (the first code on everything world wide that we buy and sell), is not read as 666 by a computer as the only unchanging structure (the guard bars) are not read by a computer. But they are identical to the human eye to the left hand six. The three guard bars are the only part of the UPC that remain the same worldwide. That the UPC is the Mark of the Beast was revealed to me by an angel of God in 1982. Yet as it is only read as three sixes to human eyes and not by a computer, it allows enough free will for those who do not wish to accept this to remain in denial (as is the case with all prophecy), it is intentionally subtle, only those who know their Bible can recognise it.
Despite popular belief we are not condemned for taking the mark, the Bible says, "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who adore the beast and his image, andwhosoever receiveth the mark of his name." Revelation 14:11. To receive the mark of his name is to receive the mark of his character. In the Old Testament the name of God revealed an aspect of the character of God.
So we are condemned if we adore the beast (and) his character (and) receive the mark. You can receive the mark and despise the modern cult of celebrity worship and those of that character and still be saved. The prophecy says "he" (Protestant America) forces this world system on everyone, "he causeth all". There has been something like 216 capitalist wars since 1948, many of them (such as in South America) were backed by both the Vatican and the CIA. Christian Bible prophecy is about pointing at our own faults, not others. While others may be worse, we are the ones claiming to be Christians.
Six is the number of man (created on the sixth day), three represents Gods plan, a unity of purpose as in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so 666 represents mans plan, or mans perfect system of things. 666 in the forehead is a mindset "the carnal mind is death", 666 in the right hand is all of man as to his will and actions, "he feeds on ashes, a deluded heart misleads him; he cannot save himself, or say, "Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?" Isaiah 44:20. Anything that keeps people from God is an idol and consumerism is the greatest idol/distraction of all time.
"...he [the False Prophet] had power to give life unto the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not adore the image of the Beast should be killed." (Rev.13:15)
The image that speaks is democracy. The Bible personifies nations, so the "he" here is Protestant America which is called a False Prophet due to its Jesuit inspired Futurism (the Left Behind series etc). The fire coming down from heaven in Revelation 13 is the American false Holy Spirit manifestation, although America does literally make fire come down upon nations as well.
Scholars are no longer divided on whether it is 616 or 666, that debate is now over.
Other answers:
The mark of the beast is a badge of servitude to the final antichrist. Anyone who willingly displays this mark on their body will drink of the wrath of God and be tormented with fire and brimstone, according to the Revelation of Jesus Christ concerning things which must shortly come to pass, as shown by His Angel to His servant John and recorded in the last book of the Holy Bible. Known in Greek as the charagma, this mark is required, during a period of time known as The Great Tribulation, to be worn on the right hand or forehead by all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and enslaved. The design of the mark symbolically uses the name and number of the beast as a logo which identifies the wearer as a submissive subject of the beast, whose number, according to Revelation 13: 18, is six hundred and sixty-six, this being, in truth, the number of a man. Scholars are divided in their opinion as to whether this refers to a particular man who has this number encoded in his name, or whether it refers generally to the whole human race, created on the sixth day by the triune workings of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Whichever it is, under the antichrist system everyone is forced to either wear the mark or suffer execution. True followers of the Lord Jesus Christ refuse the mark and are martyred. Without the mark no-one is allowed to engage in economic activity. It is possible, in the words of Revelation 13:18, for those who have understanding to calculate the number of the beast and gain some insight into the inherent wisdom of it. As an acronym, the letters B E A S Tcan mean: "Badge Exponentially Adding Sum Totals".
By adding 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24 +25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 this triangular sequence is made to arrive at level thirty-six, right on cue, completely as a function of decimal design, by theological patent, to produce the symmetrical geometrically balanced number 666.______________________________________ The answer above is great, but i have almost the same, but different one. no one knowswhat the mark of the wild beast will be, but we do know it's a mark. SATINS MARK. if you wear, or have the mark on you, you will feel Gods wrath. Most think the MARK OF THE WILD BEAST will be a tattoo of the number, " 666 " Other's think it will be a RIFD Chip implanted in you, controlling your money, and tracking you. the bible says this, " * Revelation 13:16-18 says, 'It also forces everyone, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves, to receive a mark in their right hand or on their forehead. So, nobody will be able to buy or sell except people who have the mark, which is the name of the wild animal or the number of its name. This is where wisdom is required: Let those who are smart enough, calculate the number of the wild animal. It's a man's number, six hundred and sixty-six.' " But don't be scared, god will guide you, protect you, and save you, if you don't wear the mark. but if you will feel the wrath of God!
Another Answer
Many believe that the mark of the beast is some physical mark like a microchip or tattoo or ID card. But Revelation 13 says that those who take the mark will be deceived. Now where is the deception in forcing a microchip on someone?
No, the mark of the beast is all to do with worship. And it is a spiritual mark, not a physical one. It will be down to who we give our allegiance to. Will we worship the beast or will we worship God and give our allegiance to Christ?
The mark of the beast has to be concerned with the law of God. The beast system of Revelation 13 will enforce laws that will go against the law of God, and then we will have a choice, go with the law of the land or the law of God.
There will be only two groups of people in the last days. Those who go with the law of the land and those who go with the law of God. One group will get the mark of the beast and the other will receive the seal of God
A:The mark of the beast is symbolic language intended to convey identification with the beast. It is not Sunday worship, a social security number, or a silicon microchip. It is a parody of the mark of the Lamb, which symbolizes indentity with the Lamb. The forehead and hands are Old Testament symbols. They are symbols of a person's beliefs and behaviors. What you believe and how you behave mark you as either belonging to God or Satan. The mark of the beast is the intentional denial in thought, word, and deed of the lordship of Jesus Christ.Chat with our AI personalities
No, the mark of the beast is not available yet.
Many believe that the mark of the beast is some physical mark like a microchip or tattoo or ID card. But Revelation 13 says that those who take the mark will be deceived. Now where is the deception in forcing a microchip on someone?
No, the mark of the beast is all to do with worship. And it is a spiritual mark, not a physical one. It will be down to who we give our allegiance to. Will we worship the beast or will we worship God and give our allegiance to Christ?
The mark of the beast has to be concerned with the law of God. The beast system of Revelation 13 will enforce laws that will go against the law of God, and then we will have a choice, go with the law of the land or the law of God.
There will be only two groups of people in the last days. Those who go with the law of the land and those who go with the law of God. One group will get the mark of the beast and the other will receive the seal of God.
Additional information:The mark of the beast is simply a parody of the mark of the Lamb. Just as the mark written on the foreheads of the 144,00 in Revelation 14 symbolizes identity with the Lamb, so the mark on the right hand or forehead in Revelation 13 symbolizes identity with the beast. The mark is not physical. The right hand symbolizes what we do and our forehead symbolizes what we think. The mark metaphorically identifies us as either belonging to the beast or belonging to the Lamb.Another Thought:
The above answers make good points. My question would be how would the billions of inhabitants of the Earth visibly know who they may do commerce with if there is no physical identification? If this mark is just 'spiritual' then many questions would need to be asked before selling anything to someone. This is not very practical. The horrendous practice of putting a mark on the children of Judah during the reign of Nazi, Germany proved a more effect control device (sorry for this unpleasant but historical analogy). No, it seems the mark is both physical and spiritual.
Revelation 13:16-17New King James Version (NKJV)16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or[a] the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
This mark is the equivalent to the name of the beast and the number of his name. Apparently the mark of the beast is some sort of identifiable proof of ownership and loyalty placed on the right hand or the forehead. As there is no 1st Century practice of this practice of marking/sealing as was done with Cain, this mark is apparently an evil counterfeit of the seal on the foreheads of the servants of God in Revelation 7:3; 14:1.
There is no correlation. The "Mark of the Beast" was something written about in the Book of revelation (written by John of Patmos a 3-4th century Christian) and the Sabbath was the Jewish day of rest (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown) in celebration of the completion of Creation as depicted in Genesis. The Jews do not believe in Christianity or the Book of Revelation, though the author of Revelation did plagarise a fair amount of material from the Jewish prophetic books like Ezekiel and Daniel.
In Christianity it is believed , according to the book of revalation, 666 is the mark of the beast (devil) in this book, it is said when the coming back of Christ is near the non-beleivers will receive this mark. And those with that mark will help God to know that they have to be punished terribly and will help the beast( Satan) to identify his followers.
Mimicking this mark is unpure, for it is held sacred by the Devil and sacred by God. God`s people will have a different sign. The Bible does not say what the sign is but it does tell us what mark the people fo the devil will get the mark of the beast: 666
New International Version (NIV)
14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.