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yes,because Jesus is baptised in old age

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Q: Can you get baptised at an old age?
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Related questions

How old are you when receiving baptism?

2 or 3 years old. You can be baptised at any age

How old do you have to be to do reconciliation?

you may receive the sacrament of reconciliation at any age as long as your baptised

At what age was Martin Luther baptised?

he was baptised the morning after he was born.

What age was Beethoven baptized?

Beethoven's actual birthdate is not recorded, but he was baptised on 17 December 1770. It was common practice in those days for infants to be baptised the day after they were born, so it is assumed Beethoven was baptised when he was one day old.

What is the average age for a chilid to be baptised?

when they are old enough to make the desion for themselves as religion should not be forced on a child

What age are you supposed to be during baptism?

You can be any age at baptism. Mostly it is babies that are baptised, but it can be children or adults who are baptised too. So there is no set age for baptism.

What age are members of Hutterite colonies able to get baptised and married?

Members of Hutterite colonies age is seventeen are able to be baptised and able to get married

Who baptized john the Baptist's mum?

John the baptist' mother was never baptised at all until her son John baptised Jesus Christ (the first person to be baptised), it was only then that people decided to come up and be baptised. It never says in the bible if John's mother was baptised or not but she probably was. People got baptised at a much older age back then compared to today's tradition of getting baptised between the age of 0 and 3)

How old was skakespeare was when he died?

Shakespeare's birthday is not known, he was baptised in April 1564 and died April 1616, thus at 52 years of age

Can 11 years old son baptised as a catholic?

In my opinion, No. I don't think that anyone under 18 should really be baptised in any religion relating to God. I don't think they truly understand the word of God at the age of 11.

Do you have to be certain age for baptism?

You don't have to be a certain age for baptism, babies to elderly people get baptised

What year starts infant baptism?

A baby can be baptised at any time, in the UK there is no official age, though usually before a child is one year old