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Asalaam Alaikum :)

Mashallah for being interested in the Great Religion of Islam.

We as Muslims know our religion to be the most logical, evidence based Following of God there is.

Being a Muslim is done simply by saying the Shadada, or "Declaration of Faith".

Which is *in Arabic; "La ilaha illa Allah WA Muhammeden Rasul Allah". Which literally translates into; I bear witness that there is No God but God, and Muhammed (PBUH) is the Final messenger of god.

Being a Muslim has many benefits, spiritual contentment, Getting to know you creator, and living by the teachings of the Prophets. An Islamic life is a righteous one. Islam teaches all the best moral codes and ethics. Being a Muslim will automatically join you into the global Um mah* Islamic community *(Where all Muslims are Brothers and Sisters)*

The Five Pillars of Islam in which a Muslim abides is the Shadada* Declaration of Faith, Salah* Ritual prayer 5 times a day, Zakat* Charity to the unfortunate depending on your wealth, Sawm* Fasting of the month of Ramadan, And Hajj* Pilgrimage to the holy City of Mecca at least ones in your life.

We constantly remember and worship the True and infinite creator of the universe Allah* (God-in Arabic-Muslims, Christians and Jews all worship the same god)

Islam teaches that there is only one god, and that there is no possibly equal to god nor does god work along side partners. We strive to Worship our creator and avoid idolatry and sin. We learn from the Divine Scripture of Islam the Quran which is Allahs message to humanity, and we learn from the teachings and practises of the Blessed Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) Whom we strive to follow with all our hearts.

Becoming a Muslim and living a Righteous Islamic life will Guarantee you Salvation from your creator on the day of judgment, when every living thing will be judged based on there actions on earth. Every person which Believed in God and the Last day, lived a Righteous life away from the *Evils* of society will be guaranteed a place in Jannah *(heaven)*. And shall stand before there all powerful creator.

The Benefits of becoming Muslim are endless, and the beautiful message of Islam has now spread to one quarter of the entire Worldly population.

Islam invites All human beings regardless of race, or previous faith to Submit there will to the one true creator and earn there right to paradise in the hereafter.

Inshallah You will become Muslim and accept the universal truth :)

Peace out x

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Yes but you can't do it for fun you must be real an not mess around

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Reading the 6 Arabic suraas

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Q: Can you choose to be a Muslim?
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