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yes of course,allah has send us the quran to guide us to the right path, women should read the quran unless they ave their periods then the cant.

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Q: Can women read the Koran
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Muslims do not read the bible. They read the Koran if I am not mistaken.

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Some of them read the bible, but most are Muslim so they read the Koran.

Are people of other religions allowed to read the Koran according to Islam?

Of course.

What is the meaning of Koran?

The word means "to read". It is the holy book of the Islamic faith.

Why did Thomas Jefferson own a copy of the Koran?

He was a learned man, and probably had copies of many books. I read that a Koran that reportedly belonged to Jefferson has been found.

What is the order of the Koran?

Some scholars define chapters of the Koran according to those written or revealed in Mecca (the early, Mecca period) and those written or revealed in Medina (the Medina period). The chapters of the Koran are now placed in descending order by size, regardless of when each chapter was first written or revealed. Although the Koran was never intended to be read as a narrative, in the style of the Bible, this reordering makes the Koran somewhat more difficult to read unless the reader is aware of how the chapters are ordered.

In the sentence would a Buddhist read the Koran what would be capitalized?

Buddhist & Koran, these words should be capitalized anywhere. Also you should capitalize the word Would in the beginning of your question.

Is the Koran Read in Mosque?

the imam reads it out loud while giving lectures but when prayer is not going on, people usually read it by themself

Do the Jews follow the Koran?

It is understandable if you believe the origins of Judaism are to be found in the Koran, as Islamic religious leaders claim that the first people on earth were Muslims. However, this is not the case, regardless of how we read the scriptures of each religion in turn.Islam was founded, and the Koran written, in the seventh century CE. The origins of Islam and therefore of the Koran, are to be found in the religions of Judaism and Christianity.