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Yes, of course. And it often is.

When the Church of England broke away from Rome, almost all Christian devotion took place in churches simply because much of the service was in Latin, The Bible was in Latin, and only the priests had any real idea of what scripture and the sacraments involved. As most people were illiterate, there was an unhealthy reliance on the priests for teaching.

One of the products of the split from Rome was the introduction of the Book of Common Prayer which was used to allow services, Bible readings and so on to be undertaken completely in the language of the Common People (Hence 'Common Prayer'). Prayer was still centralised in churches, however, as many people simply could not read for themselves, and so attendance at church was still necessary to hear the Bible read, and to join in with services - but at least they were in a language which all could understand.

Since then, of course, most people are now literate and the Book of Common Prayer is still used (along with common Worship) by millions of Christians in their daily devotions. These almost invariably take place at home, using the Book of Common Prayer, or Common Worship. There are parts, such as the Holy Communion Service, ahich still rely on the presence of a priest for the consecration of the bread and wine, but most of the other devotions - such as Morning and Evening prayer, the readings, collects and so on, and just as easily said at home as in a church building.

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