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No, they weren't all prophets.

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Q: Can the 12 apostles be called prophets?
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Who were the major prophets and figures of Christianity?

The major prophets were Samuel, Daniel, Isaiah , Jeremiah, EzekielThe figure of Christianity are.Jesus the 12 apostles and Paul.

Which apostles wrote The Bible?

The bible is written by prophets , apostles .

What were the 12 men called whom Jesus chose to receive special training?

They are refered to as the apostles.

How many apostles did Jesus call?

Jesus called 12 apostles to serve him.

Why have catholics got this name?

The catholics have apostles and prophets. The apostles and prophets names are what are you asking for. like Saint Gianna Beretta Molla is Gianna's name

Who of the twelve disciples were major and minor prophets?

The 12 disciples were not prophets.

Who were all the prophets of the New Testament and what were they known for?

The prophets were in the old testament. The new testament does not have any prophets, because Jesus had already fufilled the prophecies made in the old testament. However, the new testament includes 12 Apostles, including the 12 disciples minus Judas, plus Paul

What were the apostles called?

12 disciples of Jesus Christ

Are Catholic Priests called apostles?

No Catholic priests are not called as Apostles. There were only 12 Apostles which Jesus chose to be with and called them friends. These Apostles used to be with Jesus and had witnessed most of His miracles.

How was the twelve apostles formed?

Jesus selected the group of 12 who became what was called his Disciples. After his death and resurrection, the 12 Disciples became the Apostles or founders of the churches.

He gave some prophecy and some apostles where is it written in the Bible?

Ephesians 4:11 - And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, The wording varies, but the concept is also addressed in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12.

What were the 12 men whom Jesus chose to receive special training?

They are called the 12 apostles