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A suspended Orthodox priest is still a priest, however, he is not allowed to perform any of the functions of a priest while he is under suspension. So he cannot solemnize a marriage if he has been suspended.

If he has been defrocked, this is much more serious, and means that he is no longer a priest. If you are in doubt about whether he is suspended or defrocked, you should contact his bishop or the Archdiocese office to confirm his status.

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Q: Can suspended greek orthodox priests still consider themselves as priests If a greek orthodox priest is not in good standing with his church can he solemnize marriage?
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What do Anthropologists consider marriage to be what kind of trait because it is practiced in all societies?

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As an attorney, I represent many persons who are enlisted in, or associated with the U.S. Armed Forces. Proxy marriage is a popular solution for many of them, especially due to the challenges of military deployment. While it is not possible to solemnize (officiate) a proxy marriage in South Carolina, nevertheless, a proxy marriage which is legally solemnized in a different state or nation, where it is legal to do so, will be legally recognized as a valid marriage under South Carolina law. So a proxy marriage, officiated correctly elsewhere, is indeed a legal marriage in South Carolina. It is very important to differentiate between: (1) whether or not it is possible to legally solemnize (officiate) a proxy marriage in a particluar jurisdiction; and (2) whether or not said jurisdiction, even if it is not possible to legally solemnize a proxy marriage there, will nevertheless recognize a proxy marriage that is legally solemnized (officiated) in a different jurisdiction in which it is legal to so so. As per the principle of commity, virtually any state or nation will recognize the legal validity of a proxy marriage which is officiated in a jurisdiction which allows for it. So a proxy marriage in Montana, Colorado, Texas, California, El Salvador, or Brazil will be legally recognized in all 50 states, in the U.K., Australia, Germany, Singapore, and just about every other nation on the planet. A review of proxy marriage companies, as well as a good explanation of the relevant law, can be found at: Companies that I've heard good things about include: Proxy Marriage Now (, Dream Makers (, A Big Sky Event (, MPPM (, and Montana Proxy Marriages ( If you do a search under "Proxy Marriage" they should all pop up in the first couple of pages. I offer my congratulations to those who are contemplating marriage!

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