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Presumably, the Saudi authorities are afraid the plane would drop something on it. A bomb is the first thing that comes to mind, but it could be anti-Islamic leaflets, or something ritually impure, or just plain disgusting. The West has much the same concerns about the White House, Camp David, a whole bunch of military installations and just about anything else someone in a high position thought might be someone's target.

This sensitivity about one's airspace isn't limited to governments, either; the singer Barbara Streisand tried (unsuccessfully) to stop the Google mappers from overflying her house.

The Muslims may be a little more paranoid than most about protecting their special places, or they may be reacting to the events in history. The whole Mecca-Medina complex is taboo to non-Muslims since a band of them broke in and smashed the Holy Stone in the wall of the Kaaba (It was wired back together - more or less - with silver). True, nobody's molested it for several centuries, but dissident Muslims have occupied the mosque more recently, so they're just keeping their guard up.

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Because its the house of Allah.

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