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Yes, one person can be sponsor for up to two candidates.

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Q: Can one person be a sponsor for two candidates for confirmation?
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Did you ever hear of a sponsor for the whole group receiving confirmation?

Yes, back before 1963 it was common for one person, selected by the parish, to sponsor all of the candidates for Confirmation.

Can a confirmation candidate have a non-Catholic sponsor and a Catholic sponsor?

A sponsor is not required at Confirmation, although many bishops allow them, or even require them. Only one sponsor is customary where it is required, if you would like more than one, you would have to have your pastor check with the Bishop.

Who presents the candidates at confirmation?

At your church, one of your priests or pastors will present you at confirmation.

Can a priest be a confirmation sponsor?

Confirmation does not normally require a sponsor, although most bishops ask for one. In the case that your bishop requires a sponsor, he would issue the rules for that, normally any confirmed Catholic in good standing with the Church.

Can a deacon be a Confirmation Sponsor?

Yes, no problem. If the deacon is assisting the bishop at the Confirmation, he can step down to sponsor at Confirmation then return. If he is not assisting the bishop, he simply sits in the congregation with the other sponsors, without vesting.

What does a sponsor do?

One who presents a candidate for baptism or confirmation; a godparent Read more

Example of Church Confirmation Sponsor letter?

Dear________________________________In the Fall of 2007 I will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church. I ask you to be my sponsor as I prepare for the sacrament. I am attending religion class to learn more about my faith. I am performing community service and I am growing spiritually through prayer, reception of the sacraments, and attending Mass. I hope you will accompany me on this faith journey.Signed__________________________________________The Role of the Sponsor1. Sponsors help the candidates understand and appreciate the Sacrament of Confirmation and help them to have the right intentions for receiving the sacrament.2. Sponsors help the candidates prepare for Confirmation by encouraging them to pray, participate in the Eucharist, go to confession regularly, and to become involved in the parish community.3. Sponsors assist parents and catechists by answering the candidates' questions about the Catholic faith. Being a sponsor is an opportunity to learn more about your own Catholic faith.4. Sponsors present the candidate for Confirmation. Sponsors are present for the rehearsal and Confirmation Mass.5. Sponsors continue to assist the confirmed person in fulfilling the obligation of this sacrament by encouraging the candidate's growth in faith and involvement in the parish community.6. A sponsor is a person whom the candidate trusts, one the candidate feels comfortable with, and one who encourages the candidate to be a good Christian. Being a sponsor is an enriching experience for both the candidate and sponsor, not just for a few months, but for many years to come.7. Sponsors who are not registered members of ______________ parish must obtain a Sponsor's Certificate or letter from the pastor of their church affirming that they are practicing Catholics. This letter or certificate should be mailed to:____________ Catholic Churchc/o _________ -- ConfirmationAddress goes herePlease make sure the candidate's name is noted on the letter or certificate.Questions regarding Confirmation or your role as a sponsor may be addressed to:_______,, Parish_______ Office of Youth Ministry, phone_______ or email _________.

When going through confirmation as a catholic is it okay to have a baptist sponsor?

Roman Catholic AnswerIt is recommended that one of your Godparents from your Baptism be your sponsor, but that sponsor must be a practicing Catholic as their primary function is to instruct you and lead you in the faith.

Why do Catholics choose a sponsor at confirmation?

They support the candidate in their journey to receiving the Holy Spirit. They can share in going to mass on Sunday. A sponsor can explain to the candidate why they go to mass and why it is important. To explain how it is important to follow Jesus and act as God would want us to. To make them understand that Baptism was the sacrament of life but Confirmation is the birth of that life. To gain the power and strength and show and live the life of a true Catholic. Obviously this candidate has a godparent from Baptism so this person is also supposed to be part of this candidates life and be helping him or her through this time. Being a sponsor is a lifetime committment, to be there for them, to help them understand the church and its ways, to show them how to live but at the same time you don't' have to be perfect, no one is. You just have to show them the way and be there for them whether it be at mass, a retreat, how to pray etc.. It is endless. If you would like to know specifically go to the church that the sponsor goes to and ask them if they have information on what the church expects of you as a sponsor. Good Luck and God Bless!

How do you spell the word sponcer?

There is no such word, or a need for one. The word "sponsor" is already a noun applied to a person, group, or company.

How many immigrants can one person sponsor?

Two or three people at one time.

What does the sponsor have to do during confirmation?

To be a witness to the faith, and pass on that witness in guidance to the candidate. Qualifications: Catholic, Baptized, received Eucharist,Confirmed,and age 16 or older and not a parent of one to be confirmed.