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It is not permitted by Jewish law; and in Orthodox Jewish weddings the seating is separate for men and women.

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Q: Can men and women sit together at a Jewish wedding?
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Why were Jewish family's separated during the consentration camps?

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Do Jews have wedding dances?

Yes. The hora is one of them, but Orthodox men and women dance separately, while the other denominations can dance together.

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No, only Jewish men are Jews. Also, not all Jews are men, regardless of how disproportionately Jewish men might be photographed relative to Jewish women.

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This is an Orthodox Jewish practice, where men and women stay separated and "untouched" in public.

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consider the question logically. baldness is hereditary. most Jewish people have Jewish parents. so its is quite likely that a Jewish woman might be bald on or around her wedding day, on the other hand some Jewish men get married.

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Do all Jewish weddings have dancing?

Yes, in Jewish tradition, weddings are a major celebration and it is the job of the guests to keep the bride and groom entertained. A part of making the wedding a celebration is dancing. In Orthodox Jewish weddings, the men and women dance separately, often with a barrier between the two groups.