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It depends on their attitude- state of grace, etc. Let God Be the Judge- let he without sin among you, cast the first stone! Or as Charlie Chan allegedly said- Let He Among You who has Done No Wong, Lee Reesh the First Atomic Bomb! Very well said.

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Q: Can lapsed catholics enjoy heaven
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Is there a specific name for non-practicing Catholics?

Sometimes they are referred to as a "lapsed Catholic" but not always.

What are the release dates for The Surf Magazines Don't Talk About Lapsed Catholics - 2008?

The Surf Magazines Don't Talk About Lapsed Catholics - 2008 was released on: USA: 26 September 2008 (New York Surf Film Festival) USA: 24 January 2009 (Santa Barbara International Film Festival)

Do Catholics buy their way into heaven?

No. Of course not.

Where may Catholics go between death and heaven?


How many Catholics are already in heaven?

Only God can answer that question and He does not do WikiAnswers.

How does God determine whether you go to Heaven or Hell for Catholics?

You determine wether you go to Heaven or Hell. Its your choice who to serve.

Where do Catholics think God came from?

The catholics say that God is from Heaven, and that he is the Beggining and the End. He was always there. No one created him, he was just there. He was the beggining, and he will be the end.

Why do you honor saints in heaven?

Yes catholics honor and believe in saints. They pray to saints, build churches in their honor. Catholics believe that saints in heaven pray on their behalf to GOD.

When was Lapsed created?

Lapsed was created on 1997-10-21.

Where is Pope John Paul I?

Most Catholics assume that he is in Heaven. He is currently being considered for sainthood.

What is the day of the assumption?

Traditionally celebrated August 15, the Assumption of Mary is the day when Catholics celebrate Mary's assumption into Heaven. She did not die and get buried; she was assumed into Heaven.

What are some ways Catholics disagree with Christians?

Well Catholics are Christians. Some ways they disagree with Protestants are: 1.Catholics believe you get to heaven by baptism plus faith plus works. Protestants believe you get to heaven by faith alone. 2.Catholics believe Communion is really Jesus. Protestants believe Communion is just a memorial of Jesus. However there are some Protestants that believe Communion almost like the Catholics. Lutherans for example. 3.Catholics honor saints. Protestants do not. These are some differeces. If you want to know mor but this in the address box.