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Q: Can christian-catholics say alleluia during lent?
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What prayer don't we say during lent?

During Lent, the Gloria and the Alleluia are not said or sung during the Mass. This is because Lent is meant to be a solemn time where we reflect on our sinfulness and how we can better ourselves. Both the Gloria and the Alleluia are joyful prayers. The Gloria is said on Holy Thursday, and then both the Gloria and the Alleluia are reinstated in the Mass on Easter Sunday.

Why do Catholics not sing the Gloria or alleluia during Lent?

Alleluia means praise to God, sung with great joy. Lent is a time for penance and a reminder of our sinfulness and the hope of everlasting life. So we do not say alleluia, but we do sing praise to God. Then on Easter, a time of great joy, we sing alleluia again ( in fact, twice at the closing of Mass)

Can you sing or say the alleluia?


What are you preparing for during lent?

Lent is for purification, fasting, and repenting for sins. One could say that you are preparing to be a better person.

Where in the bible does it say you can't eat red meat on Fridays during lent?

That requirement is not in the Bible.

Is lent how you say slow in french?

lent(e) does mean slow

How do you say slow in French?

"Slow" in French is " lent".

What does romeo say that Juliet's love has done to him?

"He lent me counsel, and I lent him eyes."

Is drinking alcohol permitted during Lent?

This is a personal decision between you and God. The church suggests that Catholics choose to "give up" something during Lent, and many choose to give us Sodas etc, but no one should give up drinking water. Dehydration is a health risk.

How do you say lent in French?


Is alleluia a praising prayer?

Yes, as long as you pray it that way. You can say any words, but if you are not truly meaning them as a praise, they are not.

What are some prayers you would say in Lent?

Act of Contrition