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Yes. All worshippers are free to attend services in any church.

Updated response - Although it may be an acceptable truth that all worshipers are free to attend services in any church, the obligation for a Catholic is different.

Each Catholic shares an obligation to attend Catholic mass on Sunday - The Mass within the Catholic community is the catalyst to receiving Holy Communion, which to a Catholic is a Holy Sacrament. Mass or service at any other Church for any other denomination, though spiritual and holy in its own right, does not allow a Catholic participation in the Consecration of the Holy Eucharist or therefore Holy Communion. Although there is nothing ecumenically wrong for a Catholic to attend a non-Catholic mass, liturgically this obligation to attend mass would not be fulfilled.

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That Catholic Church welcomes Lutherans as separated brethren who have a true baptism and are thus Christian brothers whom we need to pray for. The Church is most anxious to heal the split and bring them back into the Church.

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Q: Can catholics attend a Lutheran church?
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Every sunday.Another Answer:Some Catholics go for mass every day, where as it is an obligation to go to mass on the Sabbath.

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There is a Lutheran Church and a Catholic Church but no Lutheran Catholic Church.

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Catholics never stopped going to church on Saturday, good Catholics usually go to confession on Saturday, and may attend the Saturday evening Mass as well.

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Catholics do go to church. We attend mass every Sunday at a Catholic Church. We actually consider it a sin not to attend church on Sunday unless there is no way that you can come.

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The Church of England and Anglican Church in general, the Lutheran Church and the Roman Catholics certainly do, although there are others.

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To always attend Church & remain faithful to her teachings.

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The pope for Roman Catholics (Catholics who attend mass in the Latin rite), as well as for Catholics of the Byzantine Catholic Church, the Ethiopian Catholic Church, the Greek Catholic Church, the Maronite Catholic Church, the Assyrian Catholic Church, and many more, none of which celebrate the Roman rite, but all of which are in union with the Pope.