yeah why wouldn't they
No, they don't ride the bikes because they don't believe in cars. They do drive cars, my friend is a mormon. They only ride bikes after they get out of college and they go door to door on bikes for what is called "missionary work" to get people to try and convert to being a mormon. You're probably thinking of the Amish who often eschew motorized transportation.
Ride Bikes Ride Bikes
Yes, the Amish do ride horses, but mostly they use buggies for their transportation.
Because it's awesome. I ride mountain bikes competitively; however, dirt bikes add an extra dimension of fun.entertainment. people ride because its fun to do. it can also be for compitition, or even transportation.
Some do, some don't. Well-behaved children will only ride where the parents tell them to. children who really love their bikes will ride wherever they can.
Yep girls ride dirt bikes some girls even go pro even tho theres only about 7 pro girl motocrossers so yes girls do ride dirt bikes
6 are driven 6 ride bikes 12 walk
In what Boardwalk?