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Yes. Although it is typically done in a group (to mirror the last super) I believe you "can" do it on your own if you'd like or have no other option. Communion is the remembrance that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. Shed his blood (wine/juice) and gave his body (the bread) so you can live.

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Q: Can a person give themselves communion?
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Is it wrong for a person give themselves communion in the privacy of their home?

Communion is not simply 'ordinary' food and juice (wine). The priest consecrates--blesses--these as being the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. But it is also a person and public "communion" between ourselves and Christ, and between us and other believers. So a person who takes Communion in the privacy of their home risks removing the sacredness of the Sacrament, and losing out on the reverent but celebration of 'communion'.

What does a special minister of Holy Communion do?

A special minister of holy communion is a lay person who is given the opportunity to help the priest or presider in a Mass to distribute Holy Communion. A special minister of holy communion may also give holy communion to the sick.

What is a sentence for communion?

A sentence for communion: Even on their first meeting, the new lovers found themselves in deep communion, gazing into one another's eyes.

CAN Baptist ministers give communion?

Communion or the Lord's Supper is a sacrament of the church and each church has its own guidelines for who can administer the Lord's Supper.At my baptist church any ordained lay or clergy can give the communion.

Why do people form an x with their arms to not receive Catholic communion?

Traditionally only communicants (those receiving communion) should process and present themselves to the Priest or Eucharistic Minister. Sometimes those not eligible to receive communion process and they cross their arms to signify that they should not be offered communion. If a priest is distributing communion they may say a quick blessing on the person. This started when parents did not want to leave young children in the pews and so brought them forward. Most churches prefer that only communicants process as this speeds up communion.

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To make money, and give themselves a job.

How do you receive holy communiom?

There are different ways you can receive holy communion. When you walk up to the Priest or the person giving out communion, you place or hands out one over the other. The person giving out communion will say the body of christ, you will then say amen. As you walk back to your seat you can then choose to cross or to not. Another way to receive holy communion is to kneel on the floor in front of the person giving out communion, open your mouth and it will be placed on your tongue. Either one is correct depending on your personal beliefs. You must have taken classes and have received your first communion, to receive holy communion.

What is viaticum?

The form of Communion given to the dying(Vote 4 McCain) The form of Communion given to the dying(Vote 4 McCain)

When are christians allowed to receive there First Communion?

In the Catholic Church, children typically receive their First Communion around the age of 7 or 8, after they have undergone instruction on the Eucharist. In some other Christian denominations, the timing of receiving First Communion may vary.

Can a Church of England person receive communion in a Catholic Church?

No, a Catholic should not receive communion in anything but a Catholic Church.

Are children allowed to have real wine at Communion?

it will give them heart infection

What is the name of the container used to give communion to the sick?

It is called a Pyx