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Mormons don't tend to have Godparents but yes you can ask anyone to be a Godparent to your child provided that they and you understand what that means.

Generally you would choose a Godparent that you would trust to raise the child well and in YOUR faith provided you could not.

If you want your daughter to be raised in your faith and not in the LDS faith then you may not want to choose her as a Godmother, if you trust her to follow your wishes then by all means, have her be the Godparent.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

It depends on your faith. Most Catholic churches want Godparents to also be Catholic, so you will have to speak to your priest and ask if he is willing to allow a Mormon to be your child's Godparent. Other religions that recognize the tradition of Godparents will have their own requirements, you will have to ask the priest/pastor/etc who is performing the ceremony what those requirements are.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) generally do not have a tradition of Godparents. While individual Mormons may choose close friends or family to act in that role, the church itself does not recognize them in any way. However, so long as your church or personal tradition will allow your child's Godparent to be a Mormon, a Mormon would probably love to accept that role.

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.Catholic AnswerIf you mean can a protestant be a Godparent for a Catholic, then the answer is no. The Godparent's job is to bring the child up in the Catholic faith, and the first basic requirement of a Godparent is that they are a good practicing Catholic.

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No. The person/persons who is/are to be the godparent/godparents must be living in order to participate in the Rite of Baptism. Also, a godparent's duty is to help the parents instruct their child in the Catholic faith, help them grow spiritually, and to pray for them. All of these requirements can only be met when the person is living.`The godparent of the newly baptized person (adult, child, infant) has different honorary responsibilities depending on their religious faith. A Catholic and other Christian churches (Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Congregational, etc) have certain things set as guidelines. Other religions that I am not familiar with also have similar persons in place according to their baptisms or dedications of the baptized person.A god parent is different than being a legal guardian, although years ago, it was considered the same structure.A godparent is the same thing as a SPONSOR.But the bottom line answer is YOU MUST BE ALIVE AT THE TIME OF THE BAPTISM, DEDICATION, ETC.By the way, your baptismal certificate IS a legal documentation, so put it with your birth certificate (if you have one printed).

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The word godparent isn't a proper noun therefore it shouldn't be capitalized.

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