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I cannot see any reason why he should not. If he has sufficient monies to support himself he could domate it back to the church. I am sure that the local church could put the money to good use.

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Q: Can a pastor take money from a church without asking?
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What can you do about a church that continually begs for money besides leaving?

Pretty much nothing, because you have no way to compel the church to stop asking for money. If it bothers you sufficiently, then leave; otherwise, you've just got to put up with it. I suppose you could try talking to the church's governing board to let them know you're unhappy about it. They're probably not ecstatic about it themselves, though, and presumably wouldn't be asking for money if the church didn't need it. If the church doesn't need it and they're always begging anyway because they want to gold-plate the pastor's Ferrari or something, then you should run, not walk, away from that church.

How much money does it cost to get married in a baptist church?

Depends on the church and the pastor of the church. I pastor a church and don't charge anything for our members to get married. However, I do expect them to tithe as the Bible asks them to. I don't perfrom a marriage ceremonies for non-members except for special circumstances. I still don't charge anything.

Do the tithes go to the pastor of the church?

The tithe money does not belong to the pastor. It belongs to the church and they have a budget determining how the tithes will be used to carry out the ministry of the church and meet their legal obligations. The pastor is paid a salary. Some pastors don't receive a salary if they already have another income. Rabbi's receive a salary too.

Can a Church donate money and labor to build a house that will belong to the Pastor?

This may be considered a misuse of funds and, depending on the circumstances, could be illegal if the house would actually belong to the pastor. However, if the house remains the property of the church and the pastor would only occupy the house at the discretion of the church, it could be acceptable. That would then depend on whether proper procedures and authorities were followed in allocating those funds.

Does the bible say anything about the apostle get the tithes?

Apostles were appointed by God and later pastors and other church leaders were chosen. These men work hard and full time at ministering to the members of the church and community. They need money to live. The Apostle Paul tells us about supporting Ministers in I Corinthians 9:9-12. The Scripture in 9:9 is a quote from Deuteronomy 25:4.( See also I Timothy 5:38) People are to give money to God, which is in turn used by the church to pay the pastor and church staff. The church does not give all the "tithes" and "offerings" to the pastor and others as part of the money is used for church needs and other ministries within the church. The church has to be very careful how it spends the money as God will hold them accountable. Many in Paul's time took money for support, but the Apostle Paul was a tent maker by trade and mostly supported himself although he was entitled to money for his ministering.

Is everyone trying to get your money even Jesus?

Jesus is not asking you for money, churches are. Some of the money goes to church upkeep, some goes to the salary of paid positions in the church hierarchy, and some goes to charitable causes like food drives, bake sales, or mission trips. Christianity is not "invalidated" by its followers asking for money, but it could be seen by some as hypocritical.

What did protestants do with the money from church?

Essentially, they do the same things with it as the Roman Catholics. Some of the money is used to pay the local church expenses (building improvement and upkeep, pastor's salaries, office supplies), some goes to local and national mission efforts, and some is sent overseas in support of missions there.

Does a pastor make good money?

A Pastor makes horrible money. But you still have to consider that your preaching the word of God. Being a Pastor requires hardwork but in the mean time... people are going to give you more respect.

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Back during the time of Martin Luther and the reformation, Luther pointed out the fact that the church was making money off of guarantees of forgiveness, and were asking money to 'forgive the dead' and allow them to go to heaven.

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Aside from 10 tithe our pastor is asking the members to give any amount in commitment and faith promise these two i cannot understand. do i have to give this amount just because i commit to God?

First understand that it does not cost you to become a Christian. There are no dues to the church and if you don't pay you can't have your salvation taken away. However, my beliefs are that you should give to God the first of your crops. That would translate to giving your tithes before you buy anything or pay anything. God does not want your leftovers. Leviticus 27:32 says that "The entire tithe of the herd and flock - every tenth animal that passes under the shepards rod will be holy to the Lord." Every tenth animal would be ten percent of the herd. God does not need your money. But you should give back to the Lord out of what you have. Just as your household needs money to run so does your church and your pastor needs to care for his family if he has one. If there is a special need within your church then it is right for your pastor to ask for help. I think that it was said that 10 percent of the people give 90 percent of the money that comes into the church. Tithing is a touchy subject. One that I believe is between you and God alone. He is the one that you have to answer to. May God Bless you. _____ Your pastor isn't asking for a specific amount, over tithing; he's asking for parishoners to give over and above that amount, if they can and "as the spirit moves them". If you have an extra dollar and feel motivated to give it, do so. The same with a hundred dollars. Or with no dollars, if your budget's tight. (Some people give of their time, or skills.)

Who is pastor of church when two people has money in church?

It is the job of the deacons to distribute the tithes In acts chapter 6:2, 3 The twelve apostles realized that with the increasing growth of the church, some provision would have to be made for handling these business matters. They themselves did not want to forsake the ministry of the word of God in order to handle financial matters, so they counseled that the church should designate seven spiritual men to handle the temporal affairs of the church. Although these men are not designated deacons in the Bible, it is not unreasonable to think of them as such. In the expression, serve tables, the word serve is the verb form of the noun from which we get the English word deacon, so their function literally was to "deacon" tables. - Believers Bible Commentary. This should be done according to needs. I guess if the pastor is a paid worker he should be paid, some money should be allocated to missions, some to the ministries of the church etc etc