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I guess that might depend.

For example: Let's say the non-Witness is not married, and just living with a woman.

Or let's say that the non-Witness is a homosexual. Or let's say the non-Witness advocates Atheism. We certainly wouldn't choose such person as a groomsman in the first place. What kind of message would we be sending. To be a groomsman is a privilege, not 'a given'.

The use of our Kingdom Halls for weddings is free. The services of an officiating elder is free. Our Kingdom Halls are used for 'HONORABLE' weddings. People who're living immoral lives are not wed in our Kingdom Halls. So we would not choose groomsmen, nor bridesmaids who have no regard for Jehovah's righteous moral guidelines. They are free to get married in other churches, but not ours. We uphold high moral standards in the community.

But I've seen a non-Witness as part of the wedding entourage when 2 Witnesses got married.

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Q: Can a non Jehovah's Witness be a groomsman in a Jehovah's Witness wedding?
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No they can't. Unless one of the couple is studying with the Jehovah's Witness and is with a spouse while not married. If the person is truly sure of baptizing as a Jehovah's Witness then the only way to do it is by the person getting married to be able to get baptized as a now Jehovah's Witness and not sin in Jehovah God's eyes.

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If a non-JW woman doesn't know better and comes to a wedding at the Kingdom Hall and is wearing pants, that's fine. But if she does know, and still chooses to wear pants, she won't get chastised or anything to my knowledge. A non-Witness is certainly not bound by the same principles that guide Witnesses. At 1 timothy 2:9, it mentions how women should be clothed in "well-arranged dress" so it would be more appropriate for her to wear a dress or skirt if she plans on attending a Witness wedding. If someone comes in with slovenly attire; or enormously provocative attire; the bridal party might request that they change, in keeping with the dignity of the event; but that would be their call; it is their wedding. (At the reception, they might be refused entry by the bridal party. The reception is their privately sponsored event; and they can invite whomever they wish; and 'not invite' whomever they wish not to invite.)

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