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Roman Catholic AnswerYes, indeed. Our Blessed Lord came to earth to save every human being on this earth. Thus He established His Church for everyone. You need to call your local Catholic Church, explain that you are interested in joining the Church and ask if you can still join this year's RCIA class. The RCIA class starts in the fall and runs until after Easter. It is an inquirer's class where you learn all about the Church. If you continue and are serious in your desire, you will be accepted as a candidate at the beginning of Lent, and will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil.
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Q: Can a man married to a Protestant join the Catholic Church?
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there are many many waysThere are many churches in the world so please specify your question so that it will be answered correctly. However, if you want to know especially on how to join in the catholic church, you must be baptized in the catholic church. In all, there is one way on how to join the catholic church. by:Richard_90

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Can a Catholic join another church without first being excommunicated from the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerApostasy is the complete denial of the Christian religion, whereas heresy is the post baptismal denial of some truth of the faith that must be believed while remaining a "Christian". In the case of someone leaving the Catholic Church to join the Lutheran church, we would be talking about heresy. "Objectively, therefore, to become a heretic in the strict canonical sense and be excommunicated from the faithful, one must deny or question a truth that is taught not merely on the authority of the church but on the word of God revealed in the Scriptures or sacred tradition. " from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980If one is a Catholic and one joins a Lutheran church, then you have pretty publicly denied the faith as revealed by God and so have excommunicated yourself, by the very act of publicly repudiating the Church.

If I became a Christian two years after my divorce can I join the Catholic Church?

You can certainly become a member of the Catholic Church. Your marriage situation may need some clarification as the Catholic Church does not recognize divorce, but this can be discussed with a priest if you wish.

Can you get your 8 yr old baptised in the Catholic Church if you are Catholic?

Anyone can be baptised Catholic. There are of course some classes that the church expects prospective members to take before the ceremony has taken place. This is to ensure that the person in question can make an informed decision to join the Catholic Church.