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Yes they can they are real and you might. Think I'm Crazy but I'm not you know why people are hoarders, drug addics woman showing men there body's and become tired deppresed moody and angry for no reason Because they have evil spirits in them they are invisible. but the reason why people don't beleave because They can't see it. So they don't say this is not Me I need to Change this no they say it's nothing it's just me and men should. not cheat on there wives because it is wrong, and being gay means a demon is in you. so say this is not me I need to change this and be good wanna be good. do what I said you might think im Crazy but I'm not so do it if you agree or not

Another Thought

The idea of a demon/devil/evil spirit being able to enter a person's body to take control and cause them to do "bad things" is a bit simplistic.

We are all capable of some pretty despicable thoughts, words and actions. Blaming those on an evil spirit is abdication of personal responsibility on a monumental scale.

There are many diseases of the mind/psyche that can cause aberrant behavior. The human mind is much like a bad neighborhood, no one should go in there alone. There are professional people who can help some of these problems with time and treatment. Sometimes medications are beneficial, but not usually without someone to help you work through the underlying problem.

If a person chooses to walk a spiritual path and believe in a God (upper case, lower case, singular, plural, male, female, or unknown) and in doing so becomes a better person who takes responsibility for their own thoughts and actions then that too is a protection from the "demons".

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The answer you receive is going to depend heavily on who is answering and their personal doctirnal beliefs.

From a fundamental Christian standpoint: if you are saved, no, but they can influence you externally if you do not guard against it. If you are unsaved, there is nothing to stop them.

From a Catholic perspective: it depends. The Vatican ruled some time ago that demon possession was not possible to confirmed Catholics, and the sacrement (?) of exorcism was ended. However, I've heard (not an expert here) that some Catholic priests still practice exorcism. Again, those unconfirmed are open ground for demon possession and influence.

From a Jewish/Islamic perspective: there is nothing to stop or hinder demon possession other than the law (scriptural law).

From a Hindu/Buddhist point of view: the Rakshasas (those that are evil) seek to destroy and consume all flesh, especially that of humans. The can take any size and pretty much any form, and will do pretty much anything to attain that one goal. There are charms that can be worn to ward off Rakshasas, but not all are very (if at all) effective.

The Sikh view: Sikhs do not have a concept of the Devil, and evil rises from the five elements of ego: pride, desire, attachment, anger, and greed. Focus on any or all of these creates to the Sikh mind a duality (vigjog), which in turn causes separation from the divine and leads to suffering. Contemplation and meditation on Ik Onkar ("One With Everything") is said to calm and silence the voices of emnity, and reconnect the individual the Creator.

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Q: Can a demon enter your body?
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Can the devil invade your body?

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In some belief systems or spiritual practices, it is believed that another spirit can enter a person's body. This is often referred to as spirit possession or channeling. However, it is important to note that this concept is highly subjective and varies across different cultures and spiritual traditions. Ultimately, the belief in whether or not another spirit can enter a body will depend on one's personal beliefs and experiences.

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